My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5575 5575 Show off your singing voice next time

what is going on? A strong man of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint would never have heart palpitations for no reason. There must be some reason, but what exactly is it?

A sudden inspiration flashed in Gu Fenghua's mind. He thought of something and threw his spiritual thoughts into the demon pet space.

In the chaotic world, the little bear cub was still snoring as before, sleeping soundly with his head in his arms and his butt sticking out. The little fox formed a circle with its long tail, and its petite body curled up in it, like a ball of fine velvet, without any strangeness.

Finally, Gu Fenghua turned his attention to Xiao Jianhua.

A hazy mist wraps the little cheap flower, and it seems to be the same as before. But if you look closely, you will find that in the mist, there are strange lights flashing brightly and darkly, sometimes as red as fire. , sometimes as blue as a pool, sometimes as scorching white and holy... just like streaks of colorful lightning, hitting the illusory little cheap flower.

And Xiao Jianhua's Qi that seeped through the hazy mist seemed to be much stronger than before.

"What's wrong? Fenghua?" Hearing Gu Fenghua's footsteps suddenly stopping behind him, Song Yu'an turned around and looked in confusion.

Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others noticed the strange color in Gu Fenghua's eyes and looked at her in confusion.

"It seems that Jianjian is getting promoted." Gu Fenghua said.

"Advanced?" Song Yu'an was a little better. He only knew that Gu Fenghua had a demon plant as a pet, but his knowledge of the little cheap flower was limited, so he didn't find it too strange. However, Luo Enen and others looked surprised.

Gu Fenghua's three major demon pets are all alien species from the ancient times. Their demand for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is too high. It was difficult for them to survive, let alone advance, and they had to sleep in the demon pet space for a long time. Although by chance, the little bear cub and vixen entered the growth stage, their growth rate was extremely slow, and their sleeping time was longer than before.

And Xiao Jianhua almost lost her life last time, but she was reborn through Nirvana. Although she has learned new talents and magical powers, and her singing skills have improved to a higher level, she can't be promoted so quickly, right?

"Fenghua, are you serious? Jianqian has really started to advance?" Soon, Luo Enen came back to his senses, grabbed Gu Fenghua's arm, and said excitedly.

"I'm not sure, the situation looks a bit similar." Gu Fenghua didn't dare to speak too fully. After all, even she couldn't see through the secrets of Jianjian, and she didn't know what the situation was now.

"Then it must be right. When I succeed in the promotion this time, I don't know how strong I will be." Although Gu Fenghua said it extremely conservatively, Luo Enen knew her character. If she didn't have a certain degree of confidence, she would never It would be a hit-and-miss, so I became even more excited.

"Yes, next time I show off my singing voice, I'm afraid even the Holy Lord Tianji won't be able to resist it." Gu Fenghua also said happily, but there was clearly a hint of joking in his eyes.

Luo Enen was shocked and couldn't be excited anymore. Fatty Bai and others also stiffened and began to tremble.

On the way, Song Yu'an and Gu Fenghua talked about their experiences after their separation, but Luo Enen and others remained silent. Thinking of Xiao Jianhua's soul-killing magic sound, their hearts filled with misery.

Suddenly, I felt that I was still the little bitch flower I was before, how cute I was when I jumped around, and how could I achieve Nirvana or be promoted to any level?

"By the way, who was the person who stole the secrets of the ancient witch and killed the saint and the elder of the Holy Witch Valley?" Gu Fenghua asked after briefly talking about his experience after the separation.

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