My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5579 5579 Something big must have happened

Now that I think about it, I really regret it. If he had tried his best from the very beginning, how could the little girl named Gu have survived till now? As long as she dies, it is impossible for others to remain indifferent. At that time, they will either kill them all or drive them out of the Holy Witch Valley. Even if the Holy Lady wants to stay, she will not be able to stay.

"Not necessarily, that little girl's strength may not be as simple as you see." Jiang Liangshi shook his head and continued to speak honestly.

He knew that the great elder was high-spirited, but there was one sentence he kept in his heart: If you had no grudges in the past and have no grudges in the recent days, if you didn't use your full strength, most of the others wouldn't do the same either. If you really have to fight with all your strength, you still may not be able to kill others. .

"Second Elder, are you looking down on my ancient witchcraft!" Although he had spoken very tactfully, the little old woman still became furious as soon as he finished speaking.

"As the second elder of the Holy Witch Valley, how could I look down on my own ancient witchcraft? That's all, the matter is over, we don't need to worry too much, just keep an eye on them these days." Jiang Liangshi smiled bitterly and waved his hand. .

"No, you can only be a thief for a thousand days. How can you prevent a thief for a thousand days." A trace of ruthlessness flashed in the little old woman's eyes.

"Great Elder, please don't mess around. They are the distinguished guests of the Holy Lady!" Jiang Liangshi was startled and hurriedly advised.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt their lives." The little old woman said sadly.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Jiang Liangshi became more vigilant.

"I have my own sense of discretion, so you don't have to worry. It's getting late, so you can go back." The little old woman didn't want to say more and started to chase people away.

"No hurry, no hurry, I practiced the magic witchcraft method a few days ago, and I have some questions that I want to ask the great elder for advice." Jiang Liangshi followed her, just because he was afraid that she would do something unwise under the impulse. Her hostility towards Gu Fenghua and others has not diminished, and she is obviously unwilling to give up, so how dare she leave.

"Go ahead." The little old woman gave him a stern look.

Jiang Liangshi made up his mind and kept an eye on the great elder. Of course, he had already prepared himself and expressed his "doubts" when he heard the words. However, before he could speak, his eyes blurred and his mind was spinning.

"You, you poisoned the tea?" Jiang Liangshi bit the tip of his tongue, trying to wake up, but his body fell to the ground involuntarily.

"I know that you, a bad old man, have no good intentions. Lord Holy Lord is young and ignorant, and you are following the same old fool. Have you forgotten all the lessons you learned in the past?" The moment he fell to the ground, he heard the disdain of the great elder. snorted coldly.

In the night, a rickety figure floated past silently like a ghost, arrived at the Hall of the Witch God, and slowly made a series of hand seals.

"Bang!" At dawn, a muffled sound suddenly sounded in the ancient hall.

Gu Fenghua and others woke up at the same time and rushed out of the room.

"Yuan, what happened?" Everyone asked in unison when they saw Song Yu'an.

"Is it someone from the Dark Witch Clan?" Luo Enen guessed.

Song Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, with a look of worry in his eyes. He didn't answer, and led everyone to run quickly outside the palace.

Arriving at the entrance of the main hall, Song Yu'an was about to open the door, but his fingerprints were printed one after another, but the heavy door did not move at all.

"Eh..." Song Yu'an let out a confused sound and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Luo Enen reached out and pushed the palace door.

However, the Witch God's Hall is already equipped with space formations. As the core of the entire Holy Witch Valley's defense formation, it has many restrictions. Without the correct hand seal, even with her eighth-grade Emperor Saint strength, she would not be able to push it forward.

"Something big happened, something big must have happened." Luo Enen said with certainty.

Hearing what she said, Song Yuan looked even more anxious.

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