My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5581 5581 Being idle is idle anyway

It would be too difficult if the ancient witch clan's cultivation methods were passed down entirely through murals. If that were the case, the inheritance would have been discontinued tens of thousands of years ago, and according to Song Yu'an's previous statement, after the disaster was over , many descendants of the ancient witch clan are living in various places, and they can still practice the ancient witchcraft. However, because the requirements for talent are too high, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is getting thinner, it is gradually lost. This also means that the ancient witchcraft should also be spread in writing.

"Do you really want to practice the ancient witchcraft?" Song Yu'an thought that Gu Fenghua was just saying that to comfort him. When he heard her ask about the method of practice, he realized that she was not just talking, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The Great Elder is a bit paranoid, but he will never break his promise. When the competition is over in three days, he will definitely open the palace door. No matter how talented Gu Fenghua was, he would never be able to learn the ancient witchcraft in three days, so there was no need to waste energy.

"If you have too many skills, you won't be overwhelmed. Anyway, idle time is idle." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

Jianjian's sudden promotion must be related to the Holy Witch Hall. If she wants to understand what's going on, she will probably start with this mural. It takes a lot of effort anyway. It's just a good time to try the ancient witchcraft. Why not kill two birds with one stone? for.

"That's true." Song Yu'an thought for a while. He really had nothing to do when he returned to his residence in the apse. By the way, he could learn about the ancient witchcraft. Even if he couldn't learn it, he could still draw parallels. Maybe he could find a breakthrough opportunity when encountering bottlenecks in the future. , so he said nothing more and took out a lot of ancient books and handed them to Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua placed the pile of ancient books on the ground, sat cross-legged, and picked up a book to read.

Luo Enen and others were also curious about the ancient witchcraft. Seeing that Song Yuan was not hiding anything, they also sat down and looked through it.

Soon, Lorne frowned.

The art of holy cultivation is said to be derived from the art of ancient witchcraft. In terms of its roots, it is indeed the same strain, but when it comes to the method of cultivation, it is completely different.

In the cultivation of a Saint Master, he first refines his strength and strength, and then refines his Qi. As his cultivation level gets higher and higher, he begins to refine his spirit and soul. When he reaches a higher level, he focuses on understanding the way of heaven and earth. If there is no enlightenment, no matter how hard you practice, you will not be able to find an opportunity for breakthrough.

Of course, if there is an extraterrestrial treasure like the Zixiao Divine Fire, even if there is no opportunity, one can break through and be promoted, or even simply understand the great ways of heaven and earth. But the problem is, except for Gu Fenghua, and those like them who have been following Gu Fenghua Lucky man, who can have such an opportunity.

In the final analysis, the most important point in the cultivation of a high-level Saint Master is the understanding of the way of heaven and earth.

However, the cultivation method of the ancient witch clan is exactly the opposite. From the beginning, it is to understand the way of heaven and earth.

In this way, Miss Luo, as a strong person of the eighth rank of Emperor Sage, has a deep understanding of the ways of heaven and earth. Wouldn't practicing the ancient witchcraft get twice the result with half the effort?

Unfortunately, things are not that simple. The ancient witchcraft requires a different understanding of heaven and earth, which is completely different from the understanding of heaven and earth required by the way of holy cultivation. Luo Enen looked at it for a long time and felt confused. He couldn't understand anything, so he put down the ancient book in his hand helplessly.

Ye Wuse and the others persisted for a little longer, but after reading for a long time, they finally put down the ancient books like Luo Enen. Even close disciples like Zhong Lingxiu, who were regarded as unparalleled talents by the Holy Lord Lingji, were no exception.

Not only them, but also Gu Fenghua was helpless.

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