My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5583 5583 In addition to eating, you also know how to buy

Not only Song Yuan, but also Luo Enen and others found Ye Wuse's guess a little incredible. They had just learned about the mysteries of ancient witchcraft. No matter how talented they were, they would not have been able to comprehend it in such a short period of time.

But this time, facts have proven once again that wherever Gu Fenghua is there, there are miracles!

Just as Song Yugang finished speaking, a strange rhythm suddenly appeared in the hall. In an instant, everyone had the illusion that the heaven and earth were separated, forming two independent worlds.

One is the present where they are, and the other is the ancient world depicted in the murals. Gu Fenghua's figure is clearly still in front of him, but it feels so ethereal and illusory, as if he is in the ancient world and the wonderful rhythm is projected in front of his eyes.

"What's going on?" Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"Wuse is right, she has understood the ancient witchcraft." Song Yu'an looked bitter.

No one understands the situation before her better than her. Only by understanding the ancient witchcraft can such wonderful witchcraft aura appear.

I think back then, it took her three months to comprehend the art of ancient witchcraft, and she was praised by the ancient witch clan as a once-in-a-millennium ancient witch wizard, and was respectfully regarded as a saint. Today, Gu Fenghua is just It took more than half an hour to accomplish what it took her three months to do.

Wizard? Saint? Thinking about the continuous praise from the elders and the envy in the eyes of a famous ancient witch descendant, Song Yu'an subconsciously held his face in his hands, wishing he could dig a hole in the ground and jump down.

Luo Enen looked at Song Yu'an sympathetically and patted her shoulder to express comfort. Thinking back then, when she first met Gu Fenghua, she had the urge to hang herself up from a tree with a crooked neck more than once, so she fully understood Song Yuan's mood at this time.

"How did Fenghua do it?" Fatty Bai asked doubtfully.

"Nonsense, don't you know Fenghua's talent and understanding? You think everyone like you only knows how to eat." Luo Enen glanced at him and said with contempt.

"..." Everyone covered their faces.

You talk like you know other things besides eating, and you don't know where you get the confidence to look down on others? Oh, by the way, in addition to eating, Miss Luo also knows how to buy and buy.

"No, no matter how talented Fenghua is, he shouldn't have understood the ancient witchcraft so quickly. Maybe there are other reasons." Ye Wuse and Zhong Lingxiu said in unison.

Of course they know Fenghua's qualifications and understanding, but Ye Wuse is confident that his qualifications are not bad, and Zhong Lingxiu, as a strong man of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint, is also not bad, but even if they rack their brains, they are still unable to master this ancient witchcraft. They are all completely helpless. It is really hard to believe that Feng Hua was able to comprehend the ancient witchcraft in such a short period of time.

"I understand, the power of Hongmeng must be the power of Hongmeng!" Song Yuan suddenly thought of something and said excitedly.

"What is the power of Hongmeng?" Luo Enen and others all looked confused.

"The power of Hongmeng is the original power of the beginning of chaos and the birth of life.

The foundation of practicing ancient witchcraft is to understand the heaven and earth from the earth, mountains, rivers, and all things in the world. Therefore, according to the legend of the ancient witch clan, if you have the power of Hongmeng, it will be easier to understand the ancient witchcraft. If the power of Hongmeng in your body is strong enough, you can even understand it without realizing it. "Song Yu'an explained, his little face showing a strange blush due to being too excited.

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