My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5589 5589Why are you the one who is right with you?

"Forget it, let's settle the grievances between the Dark Witch and the Spirit Witch for many years today." Duanmu Linxiu waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"I knew that old thief Duanmu had a guilty conscience. You see, he didn't even dare to explain." Ji Mingfeng sneered again.

After hearing her words, not only Duanmu Linxiu's face turned dark, but also Jiang Liangshi and other members of the Lingsha clan's mouths twitched.

Let others explain. You say that others are pretending to be crazy and act foolishly. If others don't explain, you say that they are guilty of committing crimes. Anyway, you are the one who is right.

"I heard that Holy Witch Valley is welcoming back the Holy Lady. I haven't been defeated yet, so why not wait until I see the Holy Lady before we start competing." Duanmu Linxiu tried hard to suppress the urge to curse, and said to Ji Mingfeng.

"No need, the Holy Lady is in retreat, just start right away." Ji Mingfeng refused without hesitation.

He sneered secretly in his heart: This old man is really cunning, he guessed that he had locked the saint, Gu Fenghua and others together. If the Saint is released as he wishes, Gu Fenghua and others will have to be released at the same time. Do you really think that she, Ji Mingfeng, is stupid and can't see through his vicious thoughts, so she will give them the opportunity to stab Leng in the back?

"Okay, let's get started." Duanmu Linxiu saw that Ji Mingfeng's words were untrue, but he didn't insist. After waving, three young juniors and an old man jumped out of the crowd and stood behind him.

According to the rules established by the two tribes back then, three young juniors and two elders would compete in every competition. The rules are also very simple. Each team sends its players to play in turn. The loser gets to stay and the winner stays. Whoever can stand to the end will win the final victory.

Without Ji Mingfeng's orders, Jiang Liangshi and three descendants of the Lingsha clan came behind Ji Mingfeng. The others retreated, leaving enough space for both sides.

"Ji Ziyu, you first come to learn the methods of the underworld witch clan." Ji Mingfeng said.

A young descendant of the spirit wizard came to the center of the clearing holding a wooden staff.

"Duanmu Mingxiu, you come for the first game." Duanmu Linxiu ordered.

Behind him, a young man also holding a wooden staff stepped forward and came to the opposite side of Ji Ziyu.

There is no need for a referee to compete among the same race. The two of them performed a clan ceremony first, and then each held their wooden staffs tightly.

Compared with the competition between Saint Masters, the preparation time for the competition between the Ancient Witch Clan is a little longer, which is probably related to their weak cultivation.

After more than ten breaths, the two of them shouted loudly at the same time and rushed towards each other.

A golden holy bead appeared on the forehead at the same time. It turned out to be two strong men of the first rank of Emperor Saint. And at the same time as the holy beads appeared, the wooden staffs in their hands also bloomed with a dazzling light.

"Roar..." Amidst the beast's roar, a giant tiger beast whose body was pitch black and had wings on its sides rushed out from Duanmu Mingxiu's wooden staff and volleyed down towards Ji Ziyu.

Ji Ziyu's wooden staff emitted a green divine light, which condensed into a towering tree. The thick branches swayed, as if arms were slapping heavily on the body of the giant tiger beast soul.

The tiger soul was knocked back three feet, but it did not dissipate. It roared to the sky and pounced again. The huge branches danced like arms and struck at the tiger soul again, but this time, the tiger soul was well prepared and bit down on a branch hard.

"Bang!" The tiger soul was knocked away by a branch again, but the branch it bit was also broken in response.

Without pausing, as soon as he stabilized his body, the tiger soul rushed towards the giant tree again.

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