My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5594 5594 Jealousy or unwillingness

Understand, this is the power of life, this is the power of the earth, mountains and rivers, this is the initial power of all things, and this is also the most original power of Jianjian.

And now, this will become her strength. Gu Fenghua closed his eyes with a slight smile on his face.

"Yaiju Dragon Soul, you actually got Yajuan Dragon Soul!" Ji Minfeng looked at the beast shadow in front of Duanmu Linxiu, and his face became even more distorted.

I don’t know if it’s shock, jealousy, unwillingness, or a combination of both.

"Elder Ji, I, the Dark Witch Clan, are willing to admit defeat and return to the Holy Witch Valley, all for the sake of the survival of the Ancient Witch Clan. I don't want to fight with you, but I am definitely not afraid of you!" Duanmu Linxiu said proudly. After summoning the Yaizhen Dragon Soul, he calmed down a bit and was not in a hurry to take action.

This is true. Duanmu Linxiu's ability to summon Yazhen Dragon Soul is enough to prove his strength. Of course, he will not be afraid of Ji Mingfeng. If it were not for the sake of the overall situation, there seems to be no need to admit defeat. Hearing this, Jiang Liangshi and others looked thoughtful.

"You are not afraid of me, why am I, Ji Mingfeng, afraid of you!" Unfortunately, Ji Mingfeng's way of thinking is completely different from others. Hearing these words, he only regarded them as Duanmu Linxiu's provocation, and instead became even more furious.

Before he could finish his words, Ji Mingfeng flew up and hit Duanmu Linxiu with his stick.

Although he was only at the level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, the power of the staff when struck was as powerful as that of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. The invisible power surged out and turned into substance, forming a towering mountain peak and falling towards Duanmu Linxiu.

Although Duanmu Linxiu was assisted by the Yaizhen Dragon Soul, he did not dare to be careless and waved the staff violently.

Eight golden holy beads appeared between his eyebrows. Sure enough, as Song Yu'an said, his cultivation level surpassed that of Ji Mingfeng and reached the eighth level of Emperor Saint. Coupled with the power of the Dragon Soul of Yajuan, his combat power definitely exceeded that of Ji Minfeng. Ninth Grade Emperor Saint.

One's actual combat power is close to that of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, while the other surpasses that of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. The result is self-evident.

Amidst the loud noise, Ji Mingfeng flew out backwards and did not stabilize until he was three feet away, while Duanmu Linxiu only took more than ten steps back.

In this fight, Duanmu Linxiu obviously had the upper hand, but it was obvious that he had no murderous intentions and showed mercy to Ji Mingfeng. Jiang Liangshi and others were slightly relieved.

"First elder, stop it. There may be a hidden reason for Ziwei's death. It's better to find out the truth first." Seeing that Ji Mingfeng was about to take action again, Jiang Liangshi hurriedly advised.

"What's the secret? The old thief Duanmu obviously has such strength, but he still surrenders to our spirit witch clan and begs for peace. He must have shady intentions. Even if he risks his life today, I will never let her You succeeded!" Ji Mingfeng concluded that Duanmu Linxiu had bad intentions and how could he listen to Jin's advice, so he calmed down and rushed forward with his wooden stick high.

Amidst the loud noises, the towering mountain peaks hit Duanmu Linxiu again and again. The latter also waved his wooden staff, and the Yaizhen Dragon Soul roared loudly, and the surging power of the Dragon Soul spurted out along with the vast dragon roar.

Although Ji Mingfeng hated Duan Mulinxiu deeply and wanted to smash him to pieces, his strength was still a bit inferior after all. He attacked with all his strength time and time again, only to be knocked backwards and backwards again and again. Not long after, the little old woman's hair was disheveled, her face was pale, and wisps of blood oozed from the fingers holding the staff.

However, under her crazy attack, Duanmu Linxiu didn't feel very well. He stepped back repeatedly, and the Yaizhen Dragon Soul blocking him looked dim and illusory.

"Ji Mingfeng, I have tolerated you in every possible way. If you continue to be ungrateful, don't blame me for being ruthless." Duanmu Linxiu shouted angrily.

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