My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5606 5606 You are nothing more than that

"One sword, cut off the great wilderness!" The long sword wrapped in silk cloth was slashed out heavily.

"Chaos, the sky opens!" Zhong Lingxiu also took action at the same time.

Fang Muyun raised his staff, and amidst the roar of the beasts, the beast souls of the squid and the gu eagle appeared at the same time and rushed towards the old man.

This is... As soon as Fang Muyun made a move, Ji Mingfeng and others noticed the unique energy of the ancient witchcraft. At the same time, they looked at the demon soul staff in her hand, and doubts suddenly arose in their hearts: This artifact was obviously made from the weapon refining method. The magic is refined by combining the skills of ancient witches. Could it be that she is also a descendant of the ancient witch clan?

But after a brief moment of surprise, they quickly looked back. After the catastrophic catastrophe, there were actually many people from the ancient witch clan living abroad. Although most of them lost their inheritance, there were some who retained the ancient witch clan's bloodline talents or cultivation methods, such as Song Yu'an.

Since there can be a Song Yuan, there is no need to make too much fuss about having another Fang Muyun.

What matters now is the safety of Lord Holy Witch.

Two ninth-level emperor saints, and one eighth-level emperor saint who can control beast souls. Such three powerful men joining forces, in the eyes of ordinary people, may even make the emperor give in.

However, people who think this way definitely don't know the true strength of Jun Envoy, and don't know how terrifying Jun Envoy is.

Although the old man opposite was not the envoy, he was definitely not weaker than the envoy. Seeing the actions of Gu Fenghua and others, he was not surprised at all, nor was he at all panicked.

The sword continued to stab Gu Fenghua, and the holy energy came out of the sword like a rainbow penetrating the sun. A transparent tunnel appeared in the air, and even the space was pierced by a sword.

"Boom!" Gu Fenghua's sword that cut through Honghuang struck at the sword light that was thrust straight at him. Zhong Lingxiu's sword that opened up the chaos also struck at the sword light. Fang Muyun summoned the sword. The two demon spirits of Gu Fenghua and Gu Fenghua were standing in front of Gu Fenghua.

Amidst the loud noise, there was flying sand and rocks in front of the Holy Witch Hall. The violent air flow rolled like ocean waves, and everyone involuntarily retreated. Some of the weaker Ancient Witch clansmen were even shaken to the point of rolling and crawling.

After a while, the dust and smoke dispersed. The old man was still standing where he was, but Gu Fenghua and others had retreated seven to eight feet away. Their faces were pale, and they were obviously seriously injured.

Only then did Ji Mingfeng and others realize that the old man in front of them was not as simple as the ninth-grade Emperor Saint at all, but a terrifying existence beyond the peak. Their expressions suddenly changed.

"Without that joint sword, you are nothing more than that." The old man glanced at Gu Fenghua and said proudly.

Gu Fenghua's heart sank. Just now, this man injured Luo Enen and others one by one, but was not in a hurry to hurt their lives. She guessed that he came for her, and that was indeed the case.

Without that concentrated sword, there was no way to form a holy realm. She had no way to deal with such a strong man who had surpassed the ninth level of Emperor Saint. Even if she had the ability to overcome enemies through leaps and bounds, she still could not break the limitations of heaven and earth.

Perhaps, you can rely on ancient witchcraft to forcibly increase your strength! Gu Fenghua's heart suddenly moved.

Since Ji Mingfeng can rely on the ancient witchcraft to upgrade her cultivation from the seventh grade of the Emperor Saint to the ninth grade of the Emperor Saint, then with her cultivation level at the peak of the ninth grade of the Emperor Saint, it is also possible to use the ancient witchcraft to forcibly upgrade her to a realm beyond the peak. Not impossible.

With his eyes slightly focused, Gu Fenghua's mind returned to the ancient mural again. The changes in the sea and the mulberry fields flashed through his mind, as if hundreds of millions of years had gone through in just an instant. Clearly touch the power from life, the power from the earth, mountains and rivers.

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