My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5608 5608 It turns out to be you!

What surprised Gu Fenghua was that she didn't detect any energy from the artifact on this ruler. This is the most ordinary ruler, not even a magic weapon.

However, how could such an ordinary ruler restrain her ancient witchcraft?

"The Holy Ring of the Sages!" Just when Gu Fenghua was secretly puzzled, Ji Mingfeng, Duanmu Linxiu and others exclaimed again.

Holy ring of sages, what is this? Gu Fenghua was even more confused.

Although she relied on the humble power of Hongmeng to comprehend the ancient witchcraft in just three days, she knew very little about the ancient witchcraft's inheritance.

"The holy ring of the sages is a personal belonging of the ancient sages of the holy witch clan, and it is also a sacred object of the ancient witch clan. It is said that the ancient sages and subsequent sages used this ring to teach stubborn people." Gu Fenghua saw the look in Gu Fenghua's eyes. Confused, Song Yuan explained in a low voice.

Gu Fenghua suddenly realized that although this ruler was ordinary and neither a magic weapon nor a divine weapon, it had been cultivated by ancient sages and generations of holy witches, but it possessed magical powers and could suppress the ancient witchcraft.

This is also understandable. Since the ruler is used to educate stubborn people, if there is no such magical power, what can be used to educate them? Just relying on words won't work. It is the unbreakable truth that a stick produces a filial son and a good man emerges from a yellow thorn tree. If you don't believe me, ask Fang Tianyou.

However, since it is a sacred object of the ancient witch clan, how could it fall into the hands of this old man?

"It turns out it was you who broke into our Holy Witch Valley thousands of years ago and killed the saint and the elder!" Gu Fenghua was wondering when he saw Ji Mingfeng, Duanmu Linxiu and others pointing at the old man, angry said.

Thousands of years ago, that man broke into the Holy Witch Valley and stole the ancient witch secrets. After the incident was exposed, he had a big battle with the Saint and several elders of the Holy Witch Valley. Many classics were destroyed. They were originally kept by the Saint. The holy ring of the sages also disappeared.

Because the Holy Ring of the Sages was used to educate the descendants of the ancient witch clan, and it only restrained the ancient witches' techniques and had no effect on the Holy Masters, everyone thought that the Holy Ring of the Sages had been destroyed in that battle.

Only then, when they saw the Holy Ring of the Sages again, did they know that the Holy Ring of the Sages had not been destroyed, and it was easy to think that the person in front of them was the real culprit who killed the saint and several elders thousands of years ago.

"Who are you?" Duanmu Linxiu asked sharply.

"I'm here to expand Dragon City." The old man puffed up his chest slightly and said proudly.

When they finally heard him reveal his identity, Gu Fenghua and others showed no reaction at all. Over the years since they came to Wuji Holy Heaven, they had heard of many powerful men, but they had never heard of the name Tuoba Dragon City.

Ji Mingfeng and others were shocked all over, and their expressions changed drastically in an instant.

"Are you a descendant of the Tuoba family?" After a while, Duanmu Lin scholar asked with a complicated expression.

"Yes, the ancestors of your two clans massacred my Tuoba clan back then and wanted to wipe out my Tuoba clan. I'm afraid you never dreamed that we would be here today, hahahaha..." Tuoba Longcheng laughed wildly.

"You are the one who has secretly sneaked into the Holy Witch Valley and killed my descendants these years, right?" Duanmu Linxiu then asked.

"Yes, I wanted to see your two clans become suspicious of each other and kill each other, destroy the ancient witch clan with my own hands, and make those old people feel at ease. Unfortunately, it was a mistake. But it doesn't matter. If you don't destroy it, I will do it myself. That's it." Tuoba Longcheng put away his smile and said with a look of hatred.

"It turns out it's you, it turns out it's you!" Finally finding the real culprit who killed the Lingwu tribe and his only son, Ji Mingfeng's eyes were split with hatred and he shouted loudly, "Start the formation!"

All around, Jiang Liangshi and other Lingsha clan members raised their wooden staffs at the same time.

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