My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5612 5612 The legendary flower of the Styx in heaven

He is worthy of being a powerful person who has surpassed the ninth level of the Emperor Saint and is comparable to the Emperor's Envoy, but he can still insist on holding the sword tightly. If it had been anyone else, even a strong man of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, he would have already thrown away his sword and covered his ears with his hands.

"Hey, stuffing pears, stuffing knives, stuffing big knives..." Jianjian continued stuffing pears, and then stuffing knives.

The demonic sound entered his soul, and Tuoba Longcheng's eyes turned blood red. It seemed like a rusty wooden saw was pulling back and forth, cutting into his soul.

"Ka..." Finally, the long sword was shattered by his own holy energy, and the hand holding the sword was so shaken that it dripped with blood.

Under the severe pain, Tuoba Longcheng finally regained some consciousness and circulated holy energy to protect his whole body.

“啊伊哟、啊伊呀……啊嘶嘚咯呔嘚咯呔嘚咯呔嘚咯呔嘚啲吺嘚咯呔嘚咯吺啊伊哟……”就在这时,一阵更加欢快更加激昂更加A high-pitched song with a breathtaking rhythm flooded into my mind.

The churning energy and blood in Tuoba Longcheng's body exploded like a torch thrown into boiling oil. On the face and hands, the protruding meridians exploded.

The air shield that had just been deployed quickly deflated like a ball with a hole in it. Tuoba Longcheng's whole body trembled, and even the Holy Ring of the Sages fell to the ground.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua drew his sword.

Without the restraint of the sages and holy rings, the mirage-like ancient world appeared in the air again, and the vast power was injected into Gu Fenghua's meridians, and then merged into the holy energy and injected into the long sword.

The long sword wrapped in silk cloth made a joyful and exciting cry, blooming with thousands of divine lights.

This is a sword that surpasses the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint!

This sword seemed to come from ancient times, breaking through the limitations of time and space.

Although Tuoba Longcheng's own strength has surpassed the ninth level of Emperor Saint, the long sword is broken, there is no holy ring of sages in his hand, and even the protective air shield has been destroyed. How can it be possible to withstand this with just flesh and blood? A sword?

The sword light enveloped Tuoba Dragon City. There was no earth-shattering noise, no landslide or earth-shattering force, but no matter who it was, they could feel the vast power that originated from the ancient times and the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth.

The next moment, the sword light disappeared, and Tuoba Longcheng still stood on the same spot, as if he wanted to retreat, but he could no longer retreat even half an inch, because he could no longer feel the slightest anger in his body.

He slowly raised his head, looked at the charming little flower in the air, and came out with a few emotionless bytes: "Netherworld Flower!"

When the last word fell, Tuoba Longcheng's figure turned into dust and disappeared little by little with the breeze!

A powerful man who surpassed the ninth level of Emperor Saint, was comparable to the Emperor's Envoy, and might even be stronger than the Emperor's Envoy, died just like that.

There was still deathly silence in the valley, and almost all the Ancient Witch clansmen fell into a daze, unable to believe what they had just seen.

"Netherworld Flower!" For a long time, Duanmu Linxiu, Ji Minfeng and others looked into the air, murmuring the same as Tuoba Longcheng.

The underworld flower turns out to be the underworld flower! Gu Fenghua looked at the coquettish flowers that were red and red like fire and blood in mid-air, with an expression of surprise and excitement.

The flower of the Styx is the legendary flower of the Styx in heaven. It was born at the beginning of heaven and earth. It communicates with yin and yang without reincarnation. It lives the same life as heaven and earth, and shines with the sun and moon. It possesses the most original and mysterious power between heaven and earth, so it is called The most amazing flower in the world.

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