My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5614 5614 is just such a waste of money

"Uh..." Song Yu'an was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head subconsciously.

"Look at how old Luo Foodie is, and look at you." Bianjian continued to look down upon him.

Song Yuan subconsciously looked at Luo Enen and then at himself, with a trace of inferiority flashing in his eyes.

"There is also a master who is a bigger foodie than Luo." Bianjian's tone became even more contemptuous.

"Bitch..." This time, before Song Yuan could feel inferior, Gu Fenghua stretched out his hand at lightning speed and grabbed the pistil.

" feels so comfortable..." Xiao Jianhua's whole body trembled, and she let out a "scream" that had a long and evocative aftertaste.

The soft flower stem also began to sway and twist, swaying left and right, one wave forward and one wave back. It's obviously a monster plant, but why does it look so wild?

All around, everyone stared blankly at the little white flower that was twisting its flower plate and "screaming", and the fascination in their eyes quickly disappeared.

Is this really the most amazing flower in the world that is said to originate from the beginning of heaven and earth and can communicate with yin and yang about life and death and not reincarnation? All solemnity, holiness, and illusion are all illusions.

Gu Fenghua decided not to change its name.

Before the little cheap flower showed its most slutty side, Gu Fenghua threw it back to the demon pet space as quickly as possible with a dark face.

Xiao Jianhua has finally entered the growth stage. I wonder what happened to Obsidian and Juju? Gu Fenghua took the opportunity to look at the other two demon pets.

The little bear cub still held his head with his arms, sticking his butt out while sleeping and snoring loudly. The little fox still had its tail wrapped in a circle, wrapping itself like a ball of wool.

It seems that the ancient witchcraft secrets hidden in the murals and the abundant and pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Holy Wizard Valley have not brought them any additional benefits.

After thinking about it for a moment, Gu Fenghua understood the reason. The reason why Xiao Jianhua entered the growth stage so quickly was not because of the ancient witchcraft secrets and the aura of heaven and earth in the Holy Witch Valley, but because the ancient witchcraft secrets in the murals activated the power of the Hongmeng hidden in its body. The power of Hongmeng is the fundamental reason for its rapid promotion.

The ancient bloodlines of the little bear cub and the little fox have long since awakened, so of course there will be no unexpected gains this time.

Gu Fenghua is not too disappointed. She believes that when the two little guys wake up from their sleep again, they will definitely give her a great surprise.

"Thank you, Lord Holy Witch, for avenging my son and the descendants who were brutally killed in Lingwu Valley. I offended Lord Holy Witch before, and I beg Lord Holy Witch to punish you." As soon as Gu Fenghua withdrew his spiritual thoughts from the demon pet space, Ji Mingfeng came up. He took a few steps forward and knelt down in front of her.

The little old woman's face was filled with tears, and her eyes were filled with gratitude and shame.

Finally seeing Gu Fenghua's true strength, she realized how powerful this holy witch really was. Thinking that she dared to attack the Holy Witch without knowing her life or death, and even imprisoned her for three days, the little old woman really wanted to dig a hole in the ground and jump down.

"Elder Ji, please get up quickly. You have been deceived too. I can't blame you." Gu Fenghua helped Ji Mingfeng up and said considerately.

Seeing her magnanimity, Duanmu Linxiu and others admired her even more.

"I thought it was a big deal, but I'm so poor and only have so much rags left." At this time, Fang Tianyou came over cursing.

"What rags?" Gu Fenghua asked inexplicably.

"Just that old guy just now. I thought he was a big deal and would definitely be able to leave some good things behind. But it turned out that he didn't even have a storage bracelet, only these two pieces of rags were left." Fang Tianyou said as he put the He threw the Holy Ring of the Sages and an ancient bronze mirror over.

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