My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5634 5634 An unspeakable loneliness

"Okay, the Ten Thousand Beast Soul Pill has been refined, and it's time to go to the Netherworld Sand Sea." Tantai Yunsu said.

As the words rang out, a graceful figure slowly appeared in front of him.

This figure is so illusory and fragile, like a soap bubble that may burst at any time.

"Senior, you..." Gu Fenghua tried hard to focus his eyes, and was able to vaguely see Tantai Yunsu's beautiful but heroic face, and subconsciously exclaimed.

"This is just my Holy Soul Taoist body." Seeing her surprise, Tantai Yunsu explained.

Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that Tantai Yunsu had sealed himself for tens of thousands of years. In order to consume the power of the demon spirits of thousands of demon souls, he had to isolate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, let alone the holy soul Taoist body, even the real body Here, I am afraid that I have already become extremely weak.

"What about your true body? Where is it?" Gu Fenghua asked curiously.

"Purple Sky Prison." Tantai Yunsu replied succinctly.

"Purple Heaven Prison?" Gu Fenghua was even more confused and didn't understand why she wanted to leave her true body in Purple Heaven Prison.

"Master set up a restrictive barrier in Purple Heaven Prison back then, and the core of its formation was located deep in Purple Heaven Prison." Tantai Yunsu said.

"Senior Tantai is saying that your true body is staying in Purple Heaven Prison to protect the formation eye?" Gu Fenghua reacted immediately.

"Not bad." Tantai Yunsu nodded and said lightly.

Gu Fenghua stared at her hazy and illusory face. Although the image of a superior person in his mind had already collapsed, deep respect still arose spontaneously.

For the master's entrustment, for the safety of Wuji Holy Heaven, and for the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, Tantai Yunsu not only sealed the holy soul Taoist body in the Holy Witch Valley, but also kept the true body deep in the Purple Sky Prison.

Don't look at the fact that a holy master would stay in seclusion for several years, decades, or even hundreds of years. It would not be surprising if he stayed in seclusion for hundreds or even thousands of years. But Tantai Yunsu has been a guardian for tens of thousands of years, which means tens of thousands of years of solitude and loneliness. Can it be the same as hundreds of thousands of years?

Such a long period of lonely guarding, such an endless loneliness, just imagining it can drive people crazy.

Gu Fenghua asked himself, even he definitely did not have such perseverance.

"Senior Tantai, how did you get here all these years?" Gu Fenghua asked with admiration.

"I have a pure land of spiritual heart and can continuously refine holy elixirs." Tantai Yunsu replied.

He is worthy of being the top cultivation wizard after the three holy kings. It turns out that Tantai Yunsu, like himself, also has a pure land of spiritual heart, and can refine holy elixirs on his own with the help of an inexhaustible supply of exotic flowers and herbs. , let alone persisting for tens of thousands of years, as long as the life span is endless, immortality is not a problem.

However, this is not what Gu Fenghua wants to ask.

"I mean, aren't you lonely when you are alone?" Gu Fenghua asked in a different way.

"Calm down and you'll be here before you know it." Tantai Yunsu was silent for a moment and said leisurely.

Although she spoke lightly, Gu Fenghua felt an unspeakable loneliness and some inexplicable sadness in her heart.

"Senior Tantai, let's go to the Netherworld Sand Sea." Gu Fenghua said impatiently.

As long as the Thousand Beast Soul Pill is refined as soon as possible and the crisis in Purple Heaven Prison is resolved as soon as possible, Tantai Yunsu can regain his freedom and get rid of the endless loneliness and loneliness. Gu Fenghua is not willing to delay for a moment.

In fact, even if the Ten Thousand Beasts Soul Pill and Ten Thousand Beasts Blood are refined, the crisis in Purple Heaven Prison will only be half resolved. They still have to find a way to clear the world-destroying purple dust in order to completely resolve the crisis. However, Ye Lishang should have made arrangements in advance, and Gu Fenghua didn't have to worry about it. He could refine the blood of all beasts first.

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