My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5636 5636 But why did he do this?

"But why did he do this?" Tantai Yunsu asked.

Of course, Gu Fenghua couldn't answer this question. There was silence all around, so oppressively quiet.

Who is that person? Why do this? What benefit does he get from it? Tantai Yunsu thought hard, feeling that his mind was in a mess, and his expression became more and more worried.

"Actually, no matter what conspiracy he has, he is still inseparable from the Purple Heaven Prison after all. As long as we can resolve the crisis in the Purple Heaven Prison, his conspiracy will naturally be self-defeating, so there is no need to worry about it." Gu Fenghua suddenly said He showed a relaxed smile and said to Tantai Yunsu.

"Yes, the top priority is to resolve the crisis in Purple Heaven Prison." Tantai Yunsu perked up and looked at Gu Fenghua with more appreciation in his eyes.

Instead of racking your brains to think about the other party's identity and what kind of conspiracy he has, it is better to take the initiative and use the simplest and most direct method to fundamentally crush the other party's conspiracy.

By then, even the Purple Heaven Prison will no longer exist. Even if he runs out of tricks, what kind of trouble can he cause?

Gu Fenghua was young, but he could see more clearly than himself who had been practicing hard for many years and experienced the world, and he was not in vain for waiting for her for so many years.

"Feng Hua, the energy of my Holy Soul Taoist body is almost exhausted. I can't sustain it for long. I can't help you much after going to the Netherworld Sand Sea. I can only give you some guidance. You put this spiritual jade away and I will possess it. Come on." Tantai Yunsu said, taking out a pure and flawless spiritual jade and handing it to Gu Fenghua's hand.

Gu Fenghua took the Lingyu and put it away close to his body.

Immediately, he saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, and the ancient gate appeared in front of him again.

"Fenghua!" Stepping out of the door, Luo Enen and others' cheers of joy rang in their ears.

"Lord Holy Witch!" Duanmu Linxiu, Ji Mingfeng and other ancient wizards also came forward.

Ever since Gu Fenghua stepped into the door, they had been waiting in the hall without leaving.

At first, they wanted to unlock the secret of the mural and find the door, but their attempts again and again were in vain and they had no choice but to give up their efforts.

Luo Enen and others were doing better and were not too worried, but Duanmu Linxiu and others were worried and their hearts were always high. When Gu Fenghua finally returned safely, they almost cried with joy.

"Sorry for making you worry." Seeing the tears shining in the eyes of Duanmu Linxiu and others, Gu Fenghua said movedly.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back." Ji Mingfeng wiped his tears, but his old wrinkled face smiled as if a flower was in full bloom.

"Fenghua, what is behind that gate? Is there any danger? Why did it take so long?" Luo Enen asked impatiently.

Although she wasn't too worried about Gu Fenghua's safety, after waiting for so many days, she was almost driven crazy by curiosity.

"It's Senior Tantai Yunsu." Gu Fenghua said.

"Senior Tantai Yunsu!" Not only Luo Enen, but also Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse and others opened their eyes in surprise.

Like Gu Fenghua, they had heard of Tantai Yunsu's name a long time ago, but never dreamed that she was hiding in the Holy Witch Valley.

"There are thousands of demon souls sealed in this mural. Senior Tantai Yunsu stayed in the Holy Wizard Valley to suppress the demon souls..." Gu Fenghua's purpose of leaving Tantai Yunsu in the Holy Wizard Valley, as well as his previous The process of refining the Ten Thousand Beast Soul Pill is explained in detail.

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