My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5640 5640 Seniors are really cheating sometimes

"Furthermore, this vision of heaven and earth is not yet the real Blood Sun coming. It can only be regarded as a sign. There is still some time before the real Blood Sun comes. You can make preparations first. As long as you work hard, even if you cannot advance by then, Don’t be too disappointed,” Tantai Yunsu said. Obviously, she didn't want Luo Enen and others to be disappointed the more they hoped for it.

"Yeah, thanks for the reminder, Senior Tantai, we understand." Luo Enen nodded repeatedly.

Although Tantai Yunsu had poured cold water on her in advance, her eyes were still shining, and she secretly made up her mind: She must seize the time to practice during these days, so as not to miss this great opportunity.

"Let's go Fenghua, go to Longzhong." Tantai Yunsu urged.

Although the Purple Heaven Prison Barrier can last at least a thousand years, since someone has been secretly destroying the barrier for many years, she has to be on guard and does not want to waste time on the coming of the Blood Sun.

"Longzhong?" Gu Fenghua was a little confused.

“Dragon Tomb is the burial place of the ancient dragon clan.

Refining the blood of thousands of beasts is similar to refining the soul of thousands of beasts. It requires extracting the blood essence of thousands of monsters and sealing it. My strength can only seal it temporarily. If I want to seal it for a long time, I can only use the pressure of the dragon clan. "Tantai Yunsu explained.

"How to get there?" Gu Fenghua suddenly realized and asked.

"Isn't the scroll in your hand?" Tantai Yunsu said strangely.

"With you here, why do you need a scroll?" Gu Fenghua said inexplicably.

Originally, she was worried that Tantai Yunsu's holy soul body was too weak, so she didn't dare to disturb her. Now that she heard her speak, she was in good spirits. Of course, she didn't need to embarrass herself - even if she could find it based on the changes in the runes. direction, but the change is extremely subtle, and it is extremely energy-consuming to keep staring at it.

"The Netherworld Sand Sea is so big, and it changes all the time. After so many years, I still can't remember where the Dragon Tomb is." Tantai Yunsu said angrily.

Hmm...this seems to make sense.

Gu Fenghua realized again that this senior Tantai was really cheating sometimes.

She couldn't count on Tantai Yunsu, so she could only work harder on her own. While concentrating on the changes in the talisman array in the scroll, she guided Ye Wuse and others to control the cloud-crossing flying boat to fly towards the Netherworld Sand Sea...

In the distance, the undulating sand dunes suddenly rippled like microwaves, creating golden ripples under the afterglow of the setting sun.

At first, the waves were gentle and gentle, full of exotic beauty, but soon they began to boil. The golden sand waves rolled, making loud rumbling noises, like thunder, and rolled towards them.

Netherworld Sandstorm! Although they had expected it and knew that it was only a matter of time before they encountered the Netherworld Sandstorm, Gu Fenghua and others were still surprised to encounter it so soon.

What was even more surprising was that as the sandstorm appeared, the Cloud Crossing Flying Boat sank uncontrollably. In the blink of an eye, it fell back to the ground and could only skim the ground like other Cloud Crossing Flying Boats.

Obviously, there are air restrictions in the Netherworld Sand Sea. Of course, this is understandable. If there were no such restrictions, the strong men in the Emperor Saint Realm could fly through the air to avoid sandstorms. How could the Netherworld Sand Sea become one of the two forbidden areas in the Wuji Holy Heaven?

Suddenly, the faces of Luo Enen and others changed drastically, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on their foreheads.

This was not their first time coming to the Netherworld Sand Sea. They knew how terrifying this sandstorm would be. To put it into detail, the power contained in this sandstorm is no less powerful than the turbulent wind in the abyss of the sky, and is even more powerful. Once caught in it, the flying boat flying across the clouds may not be able to sustain it for too long.

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