My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5651 5651 The magical effect of sand beads

The golden sand waves rolled past, as if swallowing the entire world. In his ears, the sharp howl of the wind sounded like the shrill wails of thousands of resentful souls before their death.

The Duyun Feizhou shuttled through this terrifying sandstorm, but whether sitting or standing in it, Gu Fenghua and others could no longer feel the slightest vibration, and it was as smooth as flying in the clouds.

In front of him, next to the original control formation, a brand new formation was engraved, and the fixed sand bead was embedded in the center. This formation is very simple and will not have any impact on the original formation, but it can maximize the magical effect of the Sand Bead.

The Dingsha Pearl emits rays of amber-like soft light, passing through the formation to form a barrier outside the flying boat. It seems that this barrier is extremely fragile. Even Situ Yunqi, the weakest among them all, can pierce it with one finger, but it can block the dust.

Even though the sandstorm was so violent and the power it contained was so tyrannical, the cloud-crossing flying boat sailed through the wind and waves like a fish returning to the sea and an eagle striking the sky.

Relying on the sand-fixing beads, the rest of the journey was so easy that Luo Enen, Fang Tianyou and others all yawned.

Gu Fenghua opened the scroll again. As the flying boat across the clouds moved forward rapidly, the runes continued to change, becoming more and more complete. From the looks of it, it won't take long for them to arrive at Longzhong without any danger.

There was no surprise or danger, and of course there was no need for her to keep staring at the runes. Her mind couldn't help but think of that faint bloody sun, and the limits of heaven and earth mentioned by Zong Zheng Mingyang.

After self-cultivation to reach the peak of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint, she began to think about the problem of breaking the limits of heaven and earth. This was also a major problem that had troubled the three great saints and the eighteen emperors for tens of thousands of years.

Even such a peak powerhouse has been unable to break through the limits of heaven and earth and truly break through the realm of Emperor Saint and enter another realm. How can she break the void and go to the supreme heaven?

For others, breaking the limits of the world is purely out of the pursuit of the way to be strong. It is best to succeed, but if it doesn't work, it will just be a regret, and they can face it calmly. But she is different. Several brothers are still waiting for her in the Supreme Heaven. She still has many mysteries to solve, so she must go to the Supreme Heaven!

According to Zongzheng Mingyang's speculation, the day the Bloody Sun comes is when the limits of the world are loosest, and that is also her best chance. However, blood sun alone is not enough. Other auxiliary methods are also needed. So, what auxiliary method is it?

"By the way, the ancient witch forbidden technique!" Gu Fenghua thought hard, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

The ancient forbidden witchcraft developed by the ancestor of the Tuoba clan was not only used to break the limits of heaven and earth. Although it is said that the gate-forbidden technique is harmful to the heaven and will bring disaster to the Wuji Holy Heaven, but if it cooperates with the coming of the Blood Sun, will there be no such danger?

But after thinking about it for a moment, Gu Fenghua silently shook his head and gave up the idea. That gate-forbidden technique had long been destroyed by the ancient witch clan. Even if it wasn't dangerous, she could only think about it.

Besides, who can guarantee that there will be no danger in the ancient witchcraft and the bloody sun coming? It is related to the safety of the mainland and the life and death of countless people. Even if this access control technique is placed in front of her, she will never try it easily.

Perhaps for most of the powerful people in Wuji Shengtian, in order to pursue the path of the supreme power, they can treat everyone else as ants, but she can't do that. She has her own beliefs, her own persistence, and her own needs. Something to protect.

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