In just the blink of an eye, the originally beautiful Dragon Ming Flower turned into jade fragments, and then melted like ice and snow, turning into a faint green glow and disappearing between the broken heaven and earth.

Destroyed, the Dragon Ming Flower, which had been nurtured by countless ancient dragon bones for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, was just destroyed! Gu Fenghua was so angry that he wanted to stamp his feet.

She has already grasped the hilt of the sword tightly, but has not made a move. She just hopes to use this Dragon Ming Flower to completely break through the limitations of heaven and earth and advance to the next level. Of course, she also saw that Ye Moxuan's visitor was evil, so she secretly increased her vigilance to prevent him from attacking Long Minghua.

But she never dreamed that Ye Moxuan didn't take any action at all. She just relied on Long Wei to easily destroy Long Minghua. She didn't even have a chance to stop it.

Although the cultivation level has exceeded the limit of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, with the disappearance of Long Minghua, the restriction of heaven and earth returned to normal. Gu Fenghua clearly felt that the holy energy that was originally rushing like a flood in his meridians quickly calmed down and returned to the peak state of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint.

It's a pity that we are only a little short of crossing that threshold and stepping into the next realm. If I had known this, I might as well have taken action earlier. Gu Fenghua was annoyed and unwilling, so he tried to use the technique again to forcibly improve his strength.

The next moment, her eyes suddenly lit up with a look of surprise.

The technique was running, and the holy energy surged like a river tide, once again breaking through the limit of the ninth-level Emperor Saint. Gu Fenghua believed that even without the innate Holy Spirit root that unites the five spirits in the Pure Land of the Spiritual Heart, and without the increase in combat power brought by the Phoenix Power, she could easily defeat any strong man at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint.

However, no matter how hard she tried to operate the skills to destroy the holy energy, she was suppressed by the restrictions of heaven and earth, and there was no breakthrough.

This situation is exactly the same as that of Shangguan Haochen and others. Even if they have practiced hard for tens of thousands of years, they can only surpass the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, but they cannot truly break the limits of heaven and earth and advance to another realm.

But the difference is that once the combat power of Shangguan Haochen and others forcibly exceeds the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, affected by the restriction of heaven and earth, the meridians all over the body will suddenly appear, or even burst, and there is a danger of self-explosion and death. At this time, although she was unable to advance further due to the restrictions of heaven and earth, her meridians were not abnormal at all.

Compared with before, her meridians were ten times and a hundred times stronger. Even if the holy energy surged and roared like a torrent and a tsunami, it could not be hurt in the slightest, nor could she feel the slightest sting.

How is this going?

After a brief moment of surprise and confusion, Gu Fenghua quickly understood: It turned out that although he failed to break the restriction of heaven and earth, he had broken through his own limits. The situation was completely different from that of Shangguan Haochen and others.

Although Shangguan Haochen and others can also exert their combat power beyond the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, it is only temporary, but she can always maintain such combat power. This also means that no one under the Holy Saint can be her opponent, not to mention the Eighteen Lords, and even the three Holy Lords may only be on par with her!

Although he was not promoted as expected, Gu Fenghua was still pleasantly surprised when he felt the endless holy energy and the strength of his meridians.

"You are wrong, I have never thought about being promoted to the Holy Saint." Just when she was secretly surprised, Ye Yunji looked at Ye Moxuan and said lightly.

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