My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5678 5678 has been looking for my whereabouts

"I believe you have all guessed about the grievances between Ye Moxuan and me, so I won't say more. Over the years, Ye Moxuan has been looking for my whereabouts in order to eradicate the roots. About ten years ago, he finally tracked down my whereabouts My whereabouts arrived.

However, the Wuji Holy Sky and the Supreme Sky are hundreds of millions of miles apart. With his strength, he cannot cross the endless void, let alone pass through the void barrier of the Wuji Holy Sky.

There used to be dragons living in Wuji Holy Heaven. Where there are dragons, there must be dragon tombs. He is the patriarch of the Holy Dragon Clan and the Lord of the Dragon Clan. With the help of the power of the Dragon Clan contained in the Dragon Tomb, he can build a transmission channel. The Holy Soul Taoist body can use the legendary channel to avoid the void barrier and come to the Wuji Holy Heaven.

If you want to borrow the power of the dragons in the Dragon Tomb, you must first awaken them.

Since the blood river of all beasts is suppressed here through the pressure of the dragon clan, once the power of the dragon clan is awakened. The viciousness and viciousness in the natal essence and blood of the ancient monsters were awakened at the same time, and the blood river of all beasts lost control as a result. "Ye Yunji explained.

In fact, things are a little more complicated than what he said. If only the remains of ordinary dragons are buried in this dragon tomb, even if the power of the dragons is awakened, the blood river of all beasts may not be out of control. The key is that the evil dragon Slayer is still sealed in this dragon tomb - the strongest in history. One of the largest dragon clans, the awakening of its remnant soul and dragon power is the key to the loss of control of the blood river of all beasts.

In this way, the reason why the blood river of all beasts is out of control is because Ye Moxuan awakened the evil dragon Killing Feng, and it does have something to do with Ye Yunji. But this is not his fault, Ye Moxuan is the culprit.

What's more, with the desperate efforts of Xu Qianmiao and others, and with the full help of Zhong Lingxiu, Luo Enen and others, Ye Yunji finally suppressed the evil dragon Slaying Feng with the Holy Dragon Seal, and Gu Fenghua also successfully refined Having become the Blood River of Ten Thousand Beasts, it is certainly impossible for anyone to complain about Ye Yunji because of the previous changes in the Blood River of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"Brother Ye, what's the void barrier you mentioned just now?" Hearing Ye Yunji mention the void barrier twice, curious baby Luo Enen became curious again.

"In the void outside the Wuji Holy Sky, there is a huge barrier, which contains the terrifying power of the void. It protects the Wuji Holy Sky like a barrier. Even the strong ones in the Supreme Sky can hardly pass through it safely. This barrier." Ye Yunji said.

"I understand. No wonder Ao Canhun and Baili Changsheng were injured like that. It turned out to be because of the void barrier." Luo Enen and others immediately thought of Ao Canhun who was imprisoned in the broken space of Star Observation City, and Yunchuan. In the secret realm of the sect, although his vitality is still alive, it has turned into bones.

The reason why the two of them were injured like that must be because of the void barrier.

"Yes, the entire world of cultivation is dominated by the strong who respect the weak and prey on the strong. In order to plunder cultivation resources, countless cultivation planes have been destroyed by the hands of the strong. The Wuji Holy Sky lacks spiritual energy and is regarded as an abandoned domain by Ye Moxuan, but it can It has survived to this day because of the protection of the void barrier.

Not only would it be difficult for a strong man from the Supreme Heaven to pass through this barrier, it would even be difficult for him to discover the existence of the Supreme Heaven. Ye Yunji nodded and said, confirming their guess.

"Fortunately, there is the protection of the void barrier, otherwise Wuji Shengtian would have been destroyed countless times." Thinking of the powerful strength of Ao Canhun and Baili Changsheng, Luo Enen and others were filled with emotion and deeply believed in his words. Of course.

When they first went to Stargazing City and Yunchuan Sect, they were actually not considered weak, but when faced with Ao Canhun and Baili Changsheng, they were almost unable to parry. Even strong men like Mo Qingqiu were not Ao Can. Soul's opponent.

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