The most important thing now is to resolve the crisis in Purple Heaven Prison first. Although according to Tantai Yunsu, the Purple Heaven Prison barrier can last for ten thousand years, and there will be no major changes within even a thousand years, but since someone is secretly destroying the barrier, there is probably a bigger conspiracy hidden behind it.

She couldn't figure out what the other party's intentions were, but since it was using the Purple Heaven Prison barrier as an opportunity, as long as the crisis in the Purple Heaven Prison was resolved in advance, no matter what the other party's conspiracy was, it would be self-defeating.

"We'll talk about the void barrier later. We'll go to Purple Heaven Prison immediately," Gu Fenghua said.

Luo Enen and others also realized what the top priority was now. After hearing this, they became energetic and put behind them the disappointment caused by the void barrier.

"Let's go." Tantai Yunsuda made his fingerprints.

While everyone was talking, she had already set up a formation.

The handprints were made, the talisman light flickered, and a space gate appeared in front of the eyes.

Gu Fenghua took the lead and walked towards the space gate. After walking a few steps, he stopped again and asked doubtfully Situ Yunqi and Jin Zhetian who were following behind: "Didn't you come to Longzhong to hunt for treasure? Why are you following us?" ?”

Situ Yunqi and Jin Zhetian looked at each other, as if they had been greatly insulted, and said righteously: "Everyone (monster) is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Let's go to the Purple Heaven Prison first. What treasures are not treasures? You You really look down on us."

Everyone (monster) is responsible for the rise and fall of the world... Gu Fenghua felt that these two guys must have told so many lies that they were so smooth that they even believed them. She didn't believe in their integrity.

After scanning their faces for a few times, Gu Fenghua said angrily: "Tell the truth."

Situ Shengun and the Bandit Demon King looked at each other again and said shyly: "We steal the Dragon Clan for burial in front of other people's Dragon Clan children. You think we are stupid."

Sure enough, I read it right. The old magic stick and the bandit demon king had no moral integrity at all. They didn't take action. They were just worried about Ye Yunji's identity and strength.

The two guys were able to pick it up and put it down. Although they were embarrassed to think about the idea of ​​being buried with the dragon clan, they came up with the idea of ​​​​Purple Heaven Prison and urged: "Maybe there will be a great opportunity in Purple Heaven Prison, let's go to Zitian Prison first." Hell, go, go, go."

The Purple Heaven Prison is more dangerous than the Dragon Tomb. Gu Fenghua didn't want them to take risks. He thought about it and persuaded them: "The Purple Heaven Prison is too dangerous, so you might as well not go there."

It's a pity that this man and beast are a model of the world of death. He has never cared about dangers since he was a child.

"It's okay, it's okay to find wealth in danger." Situ Yunqi and Jin Zhetian said disapprovingly, already getting in front of Gu Fenghua.

Just as no one can wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep, no one can dissuade someone who is bent on death. Seeing that they were in high spirits and didn't know how to write the word "dangerous", Gu Fenghua could only let it go.

Stepping through the door of space, my eyes suddenly lit up, and the long-famous Purple Heaven Prison really appeared in front of me.

In the imagination of Gu Fenghua and others, the Purple Heaven Prison was eroded by the Purple Soul of Destruction, and it should be a desolate and lifeless place. However, at this moment, they realized that they were wrong, a big mistake!

In front of you is a vast grassland, with the gentle breeze blowing and the tender grass blades swaying gently. Among the grass, there are blooming small flowers, either red or white, blue or purple, like beautiful stars dotted in the night sky.

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