My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5692 5692 This is the real iron-eating beast

You know, this is the Purple Heaven Prison. It is the king of the Yuqi clan and the king of countless purple soul beasts. It has a powerful body that far exceeds that of a human holy master. It believes that it can still tear the girl in front of it to pieces. , just spend a little more time.

Once again, it was proven wrong.

Almost at the same time as Split Sky moved, a tall beast shadow suddenly appeared beside it out of nowhere and punched it.

No one knows how this monster beast appeared, and no one even noticed the slightest fluctuation of Qi, and the same was true for Split Sky.

Finally, it was unprepared and was hit hard in the face by the fist that was like a giant adamantine hammer.

"Woo..." Split Sky whined, tilted his head, took a few stumbling steps to the side, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

"Obsidian!" Luo Enen and others shouted happily.

"Roar..." Waves of light floated, and Hei Yao's black and white, strong and rugged figure appeared in front of him.

At this time, the naughty boy no longer looked as naive as before. His three-foot tall figure was like a mountain, with muscles all over his body brimming with explosive strength. When he roared loudly, his big mouth opened, revealing two rows of sharp teeth made of gold and iron, showing his ferocity and cruelty.

Although I have watched the naughty child grow up, even though I have already regarded it as the closest and most reliable partner, and even sometimes regard it as my own child due to maternal or paternal love, when I saw Obsidian's fierce look, Luo Enen and others still couldn't help feeling frightened.

This is the real iron-eating beast, a legendary beast from the ancient times with innate supernatural power and ferocious violence that can compete with the dragons!

Before Li Tian could recover, Hei Yao roared and stamped his right leg on the ground.

The ground trembled, and the majestic figure of the iron-eating beast rose into the air, as if a god descended from the earth, with one leg straight out and the other half bent, assuming an extremely windy posture, and a fist that looked like a giant hammer of fine iron hit the sky again. Smashed out.

Huitian was completely unprepared just now. He was hit by it with a punch, and stars were flying in front of his eyes. At this time, he hadn't recovered yet. He didn't react at all when he saw it, and he was punched hard by him again. Hit in the face.

"Woo..." With a mournful cry, Split Sky tilted his head and flew out.

After flying more than ten feet away, the huge body fell to the ground, bounced a few times like a ball, and then rolled over and got up.

"Roar..." Split Sky tilted his mouth and spat out a few bloody fangs, then roared angrily.

Although it was hit by Obsidian's punch, its mouth was crooked, its nose was slanted and it was full of teeth, but under the severe pain, its confused head regained some clarity.

Angry, the king of the wild beasts was angry.

This is the Purple Heaven Prison, and it is the king of the Purple Heaven Prison. It actually had its big teeth smashed in front of so many subordinates. Although most of its subordinates have lost their intelligence, Split Sky still feels deeply shame.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to tear you into pieces!" With endless anger and humiliation, Split Sky roared crazily and charged towards Obsidian.

Four beast claws as thick and powerful as tiger paws stepped on the ground, burning purple flames, and the huge body rose from the ground, blooming with a dazzling golden light.

At this time, the momentum of the King of Yuqi continued to increase. He was so mighty and domineering that he seemed to be above the heaven and earth.

"Obsidian, be careful!" Seeing this scene, Luo Enen and others clenched their fists nervously and couldn't help shouting.

Judging from the power of Obsidian's punch just now, it should have truly entered the mature stage, but it failed to break through its own limits like Splitting the Sky.

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