My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5723 How could 5723 not be curious?

How could you not be curious? There was no news after Mu Chengyun left that year, and the three major holy sects under him gradually declined. If it weren't for Mo Qingqiu's full support and the help of Gu Fenghua and others, they would have defeated all the heroes in Chengyun Dabi, and even Chengyun Yungu almost fell into the hands of outsiders.

When they saw Mu Chengyun just now, they were secretly curious: Why did he come to the Saint's Hall? It's just that there was something serious going on, so I didn't even have time to ask.

"In the past tens of thousands of years, the Purple Heaven Prison barrier has been broken from time to time. Because the Purple Heaven Prison has a vast territory, it is inevitable that the barrier has some weaknesses. It is normal for the Purple Soul Beast to occasionally break through, so no one took it to heart at first. .

But thousands of years ago, by chance, I discovered that the rupture of the Purple Heaven Prison barrier was not as simple as we imagined. Some cracks are indeed caused by the fact that the barrier itself is too weak, so the Purple Soul Beast waits for an opportunity to break through them, but there are still some cracks that seem to be man-made, just for the Purple Soul Beast to take advantage of. " Before Gu Fenghua and others could speak, Mu Chengyun continued.

"Yes, many cracks already existed, but we just happened to discover them. And in the past year or so, almost all the cracks in the barrier were caused by humans, not us. If we really are that capable , I won’t wait until today to attack." As soon as Mu Chengyun said this, Huitian shook his big head, stood up, and couldn't wait to agree.

Although my head still feels dizzy and dizzy, some things still need to be explained clearly as soon as possible.

After all, during this period, due to the rupture of the Purple Heaven Prison barrier, many humans died tragically at the hands of the Purple Soul Beast, and a great feud was formed between the two sides. Once the world-destroying purple dust is completely removed, even if the barrier is not broken, it may not be able to stop the complex pace of mankind. It had finally purified its bloodline, and it still wanted to pass on the family line, but it didn't want to fall into an endless vendetta, let alone die in an unknown manner.

Don’t forget, the three great sage kings of mankind are all super strong. Although the Eighteen Lords are not super strong, if they are seriously injured, they can temporarily burst out of super strength. If you really make up your mind to kill it, It will probably be doomed to take revenge on those humans who died tragically.

When Mu Chengyun mentioned this matter, his eyes lit up. Although many humans died tragically at the hands of purple soul beasts during these days, the reason why purple soul beasts are called purple soul beasts is because they were corroded by the world-destroying purple dust and lost their sanity. Naturally, it is no wonder that they were killed. If you want to blame, you should also blame the person who broke the barrier.

"I know, I know, I don't blame you for what happened in the past, don't interrupt, just listen honestly." Gu Fenghua could tell at a glance what Huitian was worried about and said angrily.

I secretly despised him for thinking that the Demon King of Purple Heaven Prison only had this little courage.

She never thought that the former Split Sky was trapped in the Purple Heaven Prison, and sooner or later he lost his mind and became a walking corpse. Anyway, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, which will inevitably break the jar.

But now the situation is obviously different. It has finally cleared away the world-destroying purple dust and purified its bloodline. It is only thinking about the important matter of passing on the family line. How can it be willing to fight against the strong humans casually?

"Well, I won't say it anymore. It's good for you to know. It's good for you to know." Huitian quickly shut up and sat down in a daze.

“I found out that there were natural disasters and man-made disasters when the Purple Heaven Prison barrier broke, so I started to investigate in secret.

After checking again and again, I found the person of Tianji Shengjun. But there are just some clues, but no real evidence. I can't be sure that it was Tianji Shengjun who did it. I don't even dare to disclose the matter to others, so I can only continue to pursue it secretly along the clues.

Later, I followed the clues to Purple Heaven Prison, but still failed to grasp the handle of Tianji Holy Lord. Instead, I accidentally found the Saint's Hall and found Yunsu who was sealed and imprisoned in the formation eye.

I also overestimated my ability and tried to rescue Yunsu, but was seriously injured by the power of the formation. Because the injury was too serious, it was not easy to drink poison to quench my thirst by hastily refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Purple Heaven Prison. I could only stay here and slowly recover from the injury.

It wasn't until Yi Yi and Zigu came to the Saint's Hall a few years ago that my injuries finally healed. "Mu Chengyun said with a sigh as he recalled his experiences over the years.

No wonder there has been no news from Lord Chengyun in these years. It turns out that this is the reason. Gu Fenghua and others finally realized.

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