My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5728 5728 This guy is completely mentally disabled.

Although he is also a super-powerful person, it is so rare and such an honor to be respected by another super-powerful person! As a result, the Sky-Splitting Demon King floated, and then floated again.

"By the way, the Holy Lord Tianji must have been on guard for a long time. The Demon King must not be careless. If something cannot be done, escape back to the Purple Heaven Prison immediately.

Wuji Holy Heaven has only produced you, the peerless demon king, in so many years. Purple Heaven Prison also needs you to take charge of the overall situation, and it is more important to save your life. "Gu Fenghua reminded kindly again.

The care in his eyes would probably make anyone who doesn't know the truth deeply moved by it.

However, is this really a reminder? It is clearly meant to inspire the general. Still kind? The full malice is real. Zhong Lingxiu couldn't help but curl her lips again.

"What are you talking about? I, the Peerless Demon King, am such a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death! Don't say anything. Even if it means death, I will never take a step back." Unfortunately, the Peerless Demon King The king is floating, how can he tell the good intentions and bad intentions? Upon hearing this, he became furious, held his head high and spoke loudly in a tone that could not be argued with.

It's over, this guy's brain is completely damaged. With this posture, even if she was betrayed by Gu Fenghua, I'm afraid he would happily help her count the money in front of her. Zhong Lingxiu turned her head and couldn't bear to look any more.

The light and shadow in front of him changed rapidly, as if he had entered the void, but after a moment, Gu Fenghua was down to earth again.

Wuji Shengtian's familiar aura of heaven and earth enveloped him, and in the distance, an ancient city appeared in sight.

"Where is this?" Luo Enen also passed through the space gate and looked at the city in the distance, wondering.

Gu Fenghua took a closer look and had no impression of this city.

"This is Tianqi City, only a few thousand miles away from Tianji Peak." Tantai Yunsu gave the answer.

No wonder she was not in a hurry to leave Purple Heaven Prison. It turned out that the exit of this space was so close to Tianji Peak. Only then did Gu Fenghua suddenly realize.

Originally, she had thought that she could recover from her injuries on the Yundu Feizhou, but now it seemed that without the Jiutian Xuanchi, they would not have enough time to recover from their injuries if they hurried back to Wuji Holy Heaven.

Although the journey of thousands of miles would not take much time with their current level of cultivation, Gu Fenghua still took out the Flying Boat across the Clouds. If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a big battle next, so try to save as much holy energy as possible.

Finally returned to the Wuji Holy Heaven. Although the scenery in front of them may not be any more beautiful than the Zitian Prison, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth may not be as abundant, the monsters such as Split Sky are still fascinated by the sight, and seem to want to sigh. A few words, but I was too excited to speak.

Gu Fenghua didn't give them a chance to express their feelings. He rushed them all into the Duyun Feizhou like sheep, and then personally controlled the formation with his handprints.

The Flying Boat Duyun shook slightly and turned into a stream of silver light, flying towards Tianji Peak.

As his cultivation level improved again, Gu Fenghua became more comfortable in controlling the Yundu Feizhou, and could even control it by himself. It only took a few hours for a green mountain range to appear in the distance.

The mountain is not high and not majestic, but it has a special sense of splendor.

This is Tianji Mountain. The mountain range stretches with a total of twenty-eight peaks. The highest peak is called Tianji Peak. The palace that has stood on the top of the peak for tens of thousands of years is called Tianji Palace. It is a sacred place in the minds of countless saints, and it is also a forbidden place.

At this time, a ray of glow was spreading out from the mountains, and the entire sky and the entire earth were reflected in a strange light.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the rays of light. When they looked carefully, they were surprised to find that the rays of light did not come from Tianji Peak Tianji Palace, but from another inconspicuous mountain peak.

"What happened?" Fang Tianyou asked doubtfully.

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