My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5732 5732 Who is so ignorant?

Of course it was Gu Fenghua and his party who came. Scanning his eyes, he saw thousands of old men sitting cross-legged under the majestic tower, continuously injecting holy energy into the formation. Gu Fenghua could feel it without concentrating his mind to carefully explore. Powerful momentum.

There is no doubt that these people are the strongest from the major sects and casual cultivators in the three extreme regions. In the innermost layer of the crowd, Gu Fenghua clearly saw the familiar figures of Shangguan Haochen, Mo Qingqiu and other envoys.

Unlike others, there was a bit of hesitation in their eyes, but they still injected holy energy into the formation.

The formation began to operate, and Gu Fenghua clearly felt a familiar energy.

The Cangling Formation, this is actually Changsun Luocang’s Cangling Formation! Gu Fenghua's expression changed drastically, and his heart sank suddenly.

The Cangling Formation, this formation is actually the Cangling Formation!

No, that's not right! Although this formation of magic energy is very similar to the Cangling Grand Formation, and the principles of the formation are exactly the same, it is more than ten times more magnificent and profound than the Cangling Grand Formation, and the power of the formation is certainly more than ten times more powerful.

Scenes from the not-so-distant past appeared before our eyes: the abyss, the shattered space, and a disciple named Luo Cangfeng tried his best to inject holy energy into the formation. At that time, they did not know that the so-called Cangling Formation was actually a spirit-stealing formation.

When Changsun Luocang truly activated the formation and ruthlessly seized their Holy Spirit roots, they were exhausted and had no strength to resist.

Their painful and helpless screams seemed to be heard again in their ears, and their desperate and angry gazes seemed to appear in their eyes.

A flash of inspiration flashed through my mind at the same time, and all my doubts were solved.

"Stop, stop!" Gu Fenghua shouted again.

"This girl is a descendant of which sect, and she is still fooling around at such a critical moment." Under the Potian Tower, an old man looked at Gu Fenghua with a frown, and said displeasedly as an elder.

The Wuji Holy Heaven is in danger, and whether it can survive the calamity and usher in eternal peace depends on this one move. It is really ignorant to act nonsense at this time. If it were a younger member of his family, I am afraid that he would have been slapped in the face.

"No, no, the person behind her seems to be an envoy from the emperor, and there is another person who seems to be an envoy from Chengyun." A middle-aged man next to her was also a little dissatisfied with Gu Fenghua at first. The two old men who were flying from far away were suddenly startled again.

"What, you read that right?" The old man from before was naturally shocked.

The girl in front of me may be young and ignorant. How could Yi Yi Jun Envoy and Cheng Yun Jun Envoy also follow suit... By the way, Cheng Yun Jun Envoy had been missing for many years, and even Chengyun Valley almost changed hands. How could he appear here? Tianji Mountain?

For a moment, his mind was at a loss.

"Fenghua!" Shangguan Haochen, Mo Qingqiu and others also raised their brows and looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

Of course they were no strangers to Gu Fenghua, but they also couldn't understand why she rushed to Tianji Mountain at this time, and why she was so anxious to try to stop them?

In fact, they were not completely doubtful about the actions of the Holy Lord Tianji today, but who could have thought that this Holy Lord, who once saved the Holy Heaven and protected the mainland for tens of thousands of years, would personally destroy what he once protected. everything of.

"Stop them!" Just when he was surprised and confused, the cold and stern voice of the Tianji Holy Lord suddenly came from the top of the Potian Tower.

Looking at Gu Fenghua flying over, Tianji Shengjun's face suddenly sank, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

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