My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5736 5736 Why don’t you kill me?

I remember that during the last battle in Longyin Valley, Gu Fenghua's cultivation was still in the middle stage of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. Although he suffered a big loss under the holy realm they jointly formed, he still believed that as long as he fought to the death, he would be able to conquer the world. If the strength beyond the ninth level of Emperor Saint reaches its extreme, the barrier may not be able to suppress him. (This idea is exactly the same as what Shangguan Haochen and others are worried about.)

But he never dreamed that Gu Fenghua's cultivation would surpass the peak of the Ninth Grade Emperor Saint! If they fight again, they don't even need to join forces with Luo Enen and others to be on par with him.

How long has it been since then? How on earth did she practice? How could she be so diligent?

Evenly matched? Duan Qingyun obviously overestimated himself.

"One sword, kill the great wilderness!" Without any unnecessary nonsense, Gu Fenghua slashed out with one sword.

"Qingyun's sword will rule the world!" Duan Qingyun had no time to think, so he could only inject the holy energy into the long sword with all his strength and use his famous sword.

The sword lights intersected, and Duan Qingyun was knocked back several feet again, with bright red blood pouring out of the corner of his mouth.

"You, you actually broke through your own limits!" Stabilizing his figure, his pale face no longer showed surprise or disbelief, but a look of horror.

After this sword attack, he finally realized the difference between Gu Fenghua and himself.

Forcibly raising his strength beyond the ninth level peak, the restraints of heaven and earth pressed mercilessly on him, and the meridians in his body burst. Bright red blood drops dripped from the fingers holding the sword, and the blue holy robe also seeped with mottled blood stains.

Severe pain flooded into his mind, and even his soul seemed to be torn apart. He had to grit his teeth to hold back the pain and not scream out.

But Gu Fenghua, who was opposite him, was still calm and calm, with nothing strange about him. There is no doubt that she has not only surpassed the peak of the Ninth Grade Emperor Saint, but has also broken through her own limits, and her full strength is no longer restricted by the restrictions of heaven and earth.

How can this be? If you want to break your limits, don't you have to go through countless temperings of thunder and fire, and every time you have a narrow escape? They have been practicing hard for tens of thousands of years, but no one can do it. Even if Gu Fenghua started practicing from her mother's womb, it has only been more than ten or twenty years. How could she do it?

Looking at Gu Fenghua's young and beautiful face, Duan Qingyun was horrified and his mind went blank.

Not only Duan Qingyun, but also the strong men in the formation were stunned. Even Shangguan Haochen and others were a little confused.

I know that Gu Fenghua is evil, I know that Gu Fenghua is against heaven, but no matter how evil and evil he is, he shouldn't be so evil.

Just when they were shocked and confused, Gu Fenghua's third sword had already been slashed out.

The result, of course, was no longer any suspense.

The moment he saw that Gu Fenghua had exceeded his own limit, Duan Qingyun knew that he would lose this battle.

Even though he had already made up his mind to die generously, even though he still raised the sword with absolute determination, when the sword light was slashed out, even he felt so powerless.

Amidst the loud noise, Duan Qingyun's once proud and arrogant figure floated down like a kite with a broken string, and a piece of blood mist also drifted away.

He fell heavily to the ground, and blood gushed out from his mouth.

"Why don't you kill me?" Duan Qingyun struggled to hold up his body, enduring the pain of his internal organs being shattered and his meridians being severed, and he asked Gu Fenghua Road with difficulty, his eyes filled with confusion.

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