My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5740 5740 This old man must be crazy!

Shadows of swords and claws streaked across one after another, and crisscrossing space cracks appeared in the sky, so deep that they seemed to lead to the end of the void.

Without reservation or hesitation, Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji almost frantically injected holy energy into the sword.

Although this formation has the same origin as the Cangling Great Formation, it is more than ten times more powerful than the Cangling Great Formation, and the strong men imprisoned in the formation are also stronger than those Luocang Peak disciples. More than ten times more.

Even if they have become super powerful, it is impossible to break them without exerting all their strength.

Beside him, Split Sky roared loudly, burning the power of the demon spirit desperately.

Over the years, even it itself could not remember how many times it had been defeated by the Holy Lord Tianji. It actually has an almost instinctive fear in its heart towards the Holy Lord Tianji.

But once this fear is overcome, the shame hidden in the heart grows like weeds and continues to spread. That kind of shame made him crazier than Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji, and even crazier than before when his intelligence was damaged by the erosion of Mie Zichen.

Under their crazy attacks, thin cracks finally appeared on the invisible formation barrier.

The face of Tianji Sage changed. When he first set up this formation, he had a premonition that Gu Fenghua might do something bad, so he put a lot of effort into defense.

Not to mention that Gu Fenghua and others couldn't break the heaven and earth restriction of the ninth grade Emperor Saint with a single sword. Even if they could break it, he was confident that the formation could last until the last moment.

But what he never expected was that Gu Fenghua not only surpassed the ninth level of Emperor Saint, but also broke his own limit. What's more, he didn't expect that in addition to Gu Fenghua, Ye Yunji and Split Sky would also become super-level experts.

Facing three powerful super-level men, the defense he had carefully laid out before was obviously not enough.

If I had known this, I should have gotten rid of Gu Fenghua and Ritian at all costs. Looking at the cracks on the formation barrier, Tianji Shengjun was filled with annoyance.

He was really helpless towards Ye Yunji. Before that, he had no impression of Ye Yunji, so he was naturally defenseless. However, Gu Fenghua and Huitian became super strong men almost under his nose. Originally, he had many opportunities to eliminate future troubles early, but missed the opportunity due to various concerns.

It was obviously too late to regret now. Tianji Shengjun could only grit his teeth and fiercely made another hand seal.

Behind him, nine golden soul beads with faintly blooming colorful halos swirled around the body, and the rays of light merged to form a holy soul. Following this hand seal, the holy soul exploded violently.

The hearts of Gu Fenghua and others sank suddenly. Seeing the cracks gradually spreading on the formation barrier, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but they did not expect that the Holy Lord Tianji would be so decisive that he would explode his holy soul.

Although after self-destructing the holy spirit, the cultivation level is only damaged and you can practice again, but it is very difficult to practice, and every time you are promoted, the risk of going crazy increases a hundred times, which can be said to be extremely dangerous.

There are only ordinary powerhouses above the fifth level of Emperor Saint. Tianji Saint Lord is a powerhouse that has surpassed the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint. Once his self-explosion and the cultivation of his holy soul is greatly damaged, it is almost impossible to come back through cultivation.

Crazy, this old man must be crazy!

Of course Tianji Shengjun was not crazy, he was just forced into desperation by Gu Fenghua and others. Facing the nearly crazy attacks of three super-powerful men, his carefully arranged formation could not last until the last moment. What other choice did he have besides self-destructing the holy soul?

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