My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5743 5743 Just a moment of absence

Suddenly, Gu Fenghua's eyes lit up: with the sword strike just now, the barrier was split into a crack three feet long and half a foot wide in the formation.

Could it be that the Holy Lord Tianji couldn’t hold on any longer? However, in the formation, the holy energy of a group of powerful men was still pouring out of the body. There was also a person who had his holy spirit roots stripped from his body and turned into crystal light, which merged into his body together with the holy energy. How could he persist? live?

Gu Fenghua subconsciously raised his head and glanced at Tianji Shengjun, and then realized that his eyes were full of sadness, and he was actually absent-minded for a moment.

It turns out that he is not completely cold-blooded. Although in order to break the restrictions between heaven and earth and pursue his own way to be strong, he was willing to sacrifice the Wuji Holy Heaven and the common people who he had protected for tens of thousands of years, but he saw these disciples who had been loyal to him die one by one in front of his eyes. , he will also be sad for it. Only then did Gu Fenghua suddenly realize.

Opportunity, this is the best opportunity from the beginning until now, and it is also the only opportunity!

Taking advantage of the moment when the Holy Lord Tianji was absent-minded, she thought, and the demonic wooden cauldron flew out!

Because it had been sacrificed not long ago, the Demonic Wood Cauldron obviously lacked spiritual power, and the unique brilliance of the artifact was much dimmer than before. But Gu Fenghua is not worried. Today's Demonic Wood Cauldron is no longer the Demonic Wood Cauldron of the past. There is something else in it!

The alchemy furnace whirled, the lid of the furnace was opened, and a gourd as white as jade was like a stream of light, flying through the cracks in the barrier towards the Holy Lord Tianji.

Nine-day world-destroying gourd! In addition to refining holy elixirs, the previous Demonic Wood Cauldron was mostly used for defense, but after being refined over and over again, the Demonic Wood Cauldron is capable of both offense and defense.

The Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd is the strongest attack of the Demonic Wood Cauldron.

While offering the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd, Gu Fenghua was distracted and raised his left hand. In the palm of the hand, a bit of blood filled the air like starlight, turning into an extremely delicate talisman array, which released a heart-stopping cold murderous intention.

The palm of his hand was raised like a knife and suddenly slashed down. A fierce bloody sword light also passed through the cracks in the barrier and slashed towards the Holy Lord Tianji. The speed was slightly faster than the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd.

Cangchen holy pattern. Unless the divine sword is unsheathed with the help of the power of blood, this is Gu Fenghua's most powerful attack!

However, even if he sacrificed the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd and Cangchen Sacred Pattern, Gu Fenghua was not sure of severely injuring Tianji Saint Lord and breaking the formation. After all, after absorbing and refining the holy energy of a group of powerful men and seizing their holy spirit roots, his strength has been raised to the limit allowed by the rules of heaven and earth, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the holy realm.

The next moment, Gu Fenghua took out a golden needle and stabbed it towards the center of his eyebrow.

It is impossible for her to improve her strength with the soul-stealing technique like the Heavenly Saint Lord, but she can also forcibly improve her strength through the soul-piercing technique with golden needles.

But immediately, Gu Fenghua's eyes suddenly widened again, and he looked at the Holy Lord Tianji in disbelief. The golden needle that was about to pierce his eyebrows also stopped.

I thought that with the strength of the Tianji Holy Lord, even the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd and the Cangchen Saint Pattern might not pose a great threat to him. Who would have thought that he was actually defenseless and allowed the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd and the Cangchen Saint Vin shot towards him.

Is he still in a daze? As a powerful and powerful man, can his mind really be so fragile?

Of course, the will of the Holy Lord of Heaven is not so fragile. In order to break the restriction of heaven and earth, he can even ignore the life and death of hundreds of millions of people in the Holy Heaven of Wuji. How could he be so confused because of his disciple's death, and just lose his mind for a moment? He regained consciousness immediately.

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