Looking at the crumbling Tower of Heaven, which was covered with cracks, everyone burst into tears of joy. In the formation, many strong men and casual cultivators from the sect who were lucky enough to escape the disaster even cried on the spot.

Looking at Gu Fenghua again, their tearful eyes were filled with guilt again.

If it hadn't been for Gu Fenghua, they would have died today, and Wuji Holy Heaven would have been destroyed. But before that, they not only misunderstood Gu Fenghua, but also insulted her in every possible way, wishing to cut her into pieces with their own hands. Thinking of what they had done before, they were so ashamed.

"Sir, I was blind before..." An old man stepped forward and came to Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji. He opened his mouth to apologize, but before he could finish his words, a mouthful of blood spurted out. His holy energy was severely damaged, and he would inevitably be seriously injured when the formation was broken. It was difficult for him to even speak at this time.

"Senior, there's no need to say more. I can't blame you for what happened today. You also have good intentions, so I won't take it to heart." Gu Fenghua knew what he was going to say, and seeing that he was really hurt, he didn't let him continue.

Seeing Gu Fenghua's magnanimity, the old man felt even more guilty and admired him, and bowed deeply.

Seeing this, other strong men and casual cultivators from other sects also bowed to Gu Fenghua, Ye Yunji and others, including Shangguan Haochen and other envoys. Although they had never doubted Gu Fenghua, Wuji Shengtian was able to escape this disaster thanks to the actions of Gu Fenghua, Ye Yunji and others. They deserved this gift.

Under the Potian Tower, a well-known powerful person in the world felt ashamed and grateful. They bent down and paid their deepest respect to Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji.

"I still underestimated you after all. If I had known today, I should have put you to death at all costs." At this moment, the hoarse voice of the Holy Lord Tianji rang out from the top of the crumbling Sky-Breaking Tower.

On the cracked Sky-Breaking Tower, the Heavenly Lord stood up tremblingly. Although he was holding on to the railing, his figure was hunched, his pale hair was fluttering in the wind, and there was a trace of bright red blood at the corner of his mouth. He looked hundreds of years older.

Although the Holy Monarch of Heaven was in a state of disarray at this time and no longer had the majesty of the past, everyone under the tower was still shocked.

The power of that formation is so majestic and vast, and when the formation is broken, it becomes so chaotic and violent. Almost everyone inside and outside the formation was seriously injured, and many even died tragically on the spot. I originally thought that the Holy Monarch Tianji's mind was melted into the formation, and he would definitely die if he suffered its backlash. Unexpectedly, he survived.

No matter how embarrassed Tianji Shengjun looked at this time, under the tens of thousands of years of accumulated power, everyone still felt instinctive awe in their hearts and took a few steps back involuntarily.

"Why, why do you want to destroy the Wuji Holy Heaven and destroy everything you have guarded your whole life with your own hands?" Different from their awe, Duan Qingyun was more angry. Looking at the old and haggard face of the Holy Lord Tianji, he roared heartbroken and heartbroken.

In this world, I am afraid that no one respects the old man in front of him more than him, and no one trusts this old man more than him. Even if the Holy Lord Tianji asked him to die, he would never hesitate at all.

He had always thought that everything the Holy Lord Tianji did was to protect this continent and hundreds of millions of people. For this reason, he could throw away everything he had, even his life.

But why didn't he think that the Holy Lord Tianji had deceived everyone and himself, and in order to break the restriction of heaven and earth, he would destroy everything he once protected.

My heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp sword and torn into pieces!

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