My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5760 5760 Had to fake death to escape

Gu Fenghua and others are also full of doubts: Listening to the meaning of Ye Lishang's words, when he was harmed by the three saints, it was actually his intention. What's going on?

“Back then, I was faced with a powerful enemy, so in order to cover up his deception, I had to fake my death to escape.

But that person is too strong. Even if I fight it off on my own, there will always be some energy left behind, and I won’t be able to hide it from him. Therefore, you have to help me completely destroy my physical body, annihilate all my energy, and then resurrect my body, so that I can hide it from him. "Ye Lishang explained.

So that's it. Although Ye Lishang's explanation was very simple, everyone understood it immediately.

No matter who wants to destroy his body while retaining his soul and the chance of rebirth, there will inevitably be some energy left behind. After all, after the physical body is destroyed, it is difficult to clear away the remaining qi with the soul alone.

But it is different if an outsider takes action. Tianji Shengjun deceived the other two saints into secretly murdering Ye Lishang. He must have a guilty conscience and will never dare to leave the slightest trouble. He wishes that he will never be reincarnated, and will naturally destroy his remaining legacy in the world. All gas machines are completely wiped clean.

In the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, only three saints have such strength.

"Sir, who is the enemy you are talking about?" After knowing what they really wanted, the two saints finally let go of their worries and asked doubtfully.

Back then, Ye Lishang was so powerful that even the three holy kings could not match him. If he hadn't wanted to die, I believe that even if the three of them joined forces, they wouldn't be able to kill him.

Who could make him so afraid that he would even risk his life to avoid him? Even though Ye Lishang said he faked his death to escape, his body was completely destroyed at that time and he didn't even have any energy left. If he were to be replaced by another holy master, even if The Holy Lord has absolutely no chance of rebirth, so what's the difference between death and death?

It would be more appropriate to say that he escaped by faking his own death, rather than directly saying that he escaped by dying.

Ye Lishang did not answer, but looked up at the sky with a solemn expression, looking into the endless void.

"It's him!" Everyone was shocked.

Obviously, the enemy that Ye Lishang mentioned was the strong man who had just struck out with that sword.

Thinking about it, even the two super strong men Ye Yunji and Split Sky couldn't withstand that sword. It was thanks to Ye Lishang's help that he helped them neutralize part of the sword's power in advance, so it was difficult. resisted.

Only such a strong person could be regarded as a formidable enemy by Ye Lishang.

However, who is that person, and why does he want to be detrimental to Wuji Shengtian?

Although Ye Yunji and the Sky-Splitting Demon King relied on Ye Lishang's help to block his sword, but next, if the three of them join forces, can they stop him?

If it had been tens of thousands of years ago, they would never have had the slightest doubt about Ye Lishang's strength, but now they knew that he was willing to die to escape from the opponent, and when he was reborn, they didn't know whether his strength was complete. Although they are recovering, they are inevitably worried.

"I won't tell you more about this person's identity. He came to Wuji Holy Heaven for glory. As soon as we leave, he will naturally leave." Seeing the doubts and uneasiness in their hearts, Ye Lishang Then he said.

"What, that strong man actually came for Gu Fenghua? But according to Ye Lishang, he should have come to Wuji Holy Heaven tens of thousands of years ago, but how old is Gu Fenghua?" Hearing this , everyone looked at a loss.

Gu Fenghua himself was not surprised at all. The appearance of the sword just now was obviously because she released the power of her blood to pull out the Qingcang Sword. It was naturally related to her. What is there to be surprised about?

"Let's go right now." Gu Fenghua jumped onto the boat without hesitation.

Since that strong man came because of her, she certainly couldn't bring another disaster to Wuji Holy Heaven. Leaving immediately is her best choice.

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