My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5762 5762 Their lifelong belief

If they stay in the Wuji Holy Heaven for the rest of their lives and cannot break the restrictions of heaven and earth until death, they will probably be really disappointed.

"Go, you have your own way to go, and you can't stay with Master forever." Lord Lingji saw Zhong Lingxiu's thoughts, patted her on the shoulder, and said encouragingly.

"Yes, Master!" Zhong Lingxiu knelt down on her knees, kowtowed heavily to Master, and jumped onto the boat.

"You have all thought about it. This trip has a near-death experience. If you are just a little bit unlucky, you will fall into a place of eternal destruction. You will not even have a chance to regret it. It is too late to change your mind now." Ye Lishang glanced at everyone's faces one by one. After that, he put away his smile and said seriously.

"We have decided that no matter whether we live or die, we will never regret it." Luo Enen and others said in unison. His eyes were so firm, without any hesitation.

Following Gu Fenghua is their lifelong belief and even the source of motivation for their hard work. Not to mention going to the Supreme Heaven, even to the legendary Nine Nether Hells, they would not hesitate at all.

"Let's go." Ye Lishang smiled happily.

I didn't see him making any hand seals, but with a thought, the boat rose into the sky.

"Master, take care!" Tantai Yunsu and Feng Lao watched Ye Lishang's leaving figure and shouted with sobs.

"Lord Saint, take care!" The faces of the two Lord Saints were filled with tears for some time.

"Fenghua (Miss Gu), Mr. Ye, take care!" Shangguan Haochen, Mo Qingqiu and others waved their arms vigorously towards Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji, while the other sect strongmen from the three extreme regions He and the hidden cultivator also put their hands on their chests again and bowed to the two of them.

Although Ye Lishang was once the strongest person in Wuji Holy Heaven, even superior to the three holy kings, that was tens of thousands of years ago after all. Even these people present are all famous seniors. Master, not many people know him.

What really made them unforgettable was Ye Yunji's proud figure flying to the sky, and Gu Fenghua's ultimate sword that saved the entire continent!

The huge painted boat carrying the Netherworld Temple flew higher and higher, gradually turning into a black dot. The figures of Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji standing side by side on the boat had long since disappeared from sight, but those faces that were either heroic or handsome, or extremely beautiful, were still there. It has been deeply imprinted in the depths of their minds...

The thick clouds under your feet were undulating like microwaves. Looking up, the sky was as pure as a mirror without a trace of impurities, and countless stars were dotted on the mirror like gems.

The entire boat was protected by an invisible barrier. Although it was thousands of feet high in the sky, it was as if it were walking on flat ground. There was no vibration at all and no strong wind blowing against its face.

Ye Lishang stood on the bow of the boat, looking up at the endless starry sky, not knowing what he was looking at or thinking about.

Gu Fenghua did not disturb him and looked at the boat carefully.

There are three buildings on the boat. The tallest one in the middle is the Netherworld Temple, which is the most majestic. The other one is one-third shorter, but gives people a more solemn feeling. The shortest one is only as high as the Netherworld Temple. Less than half, but still exquisite.

However, except for the Netherworld Temple, the other two buildings were seriously damaged, and the scars scratched by the sword light could still be seen faintly.

Gu Fenghua couldn't help but be secretly curious: Although he hadn't seen the formation of this painted boat, he could feel how powerful the defense of this formation was due to the energy faintly revealed from the barrier, but he didn't know who could take it. Is it damaged like this?

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