My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5764 5764 Gu Fenghua’s Life Experience 2

After calming down a little, Ye Lishang continued: "However, although Emperor Haokong had all his plans, he never thought that just before Emperor Lingxu went on tour, the Queen of Heaven was already pregnant.

Although Emperor Lingxu was successfully attacked by Emperor Haokong, before he died, he still protected the Queen and escaped from the battlefield on the Xuyun Boat, hoping that she could return to the Supreme Heaven.

It was not until then that Emperor Haokong discovered that the Queen was pregnant and sent his henchmen to intercept and kill her.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Queen of Heaven knew that she could not escape no matter what, and she did not dare to return to the supreme heaven, so she changed her direction and fled to the endless void, and gave birth to the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven on the way.

Along the way, the maids guarding the Queen suffered heavy casualties, and were eventually blocked by Emperor Haokong's trusted subordinates. In desperation, the Queen of Heaven could only leave the emperor's daughter to her most trusted maid, and personally send them to escape from the battlefield.

Because of the tragedy, the Queen was weak and her cultivation had not recovered. Unfortunately, the Queen was defeated and followed the Emperor of Heaven. However, the maid who was born in the Phoenix Royal Family was not able to escape the other party's pursuit in the end.

She could only fight to destroy the Phoenix bloodline and die together with the opponent, and use the power of the Phoenix to protect the sleeping emperor's daughter. After tens of thousands of years, she crossed hundreds of millions of miles of void planes, passed through the void barrier, and came to Infinite Holy Heaven. "

The Emperor's Daughter, the Void Barrier, the Infinite Holy Sky... Hearing this, everyone except Ye Yunji looked as usual and looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

No wonder Gu Fenghua can refine the power of the Phoenix. No wonder there is such a powerful power hidden in her bloodline? All the doubts in the past were answered at this moment.

Gu Fenghua looked at Ye Lishang blankly, his eyes dim.

Scenes of memories hidden deep in my heart reappeared before my eyes: In the endless void, the sacred and graceful figure of the Phoenix Bird suddenly exploded, and the blazing fire ignited the starry sky and turned it into a sea of ​​fire.

A ball of Phoenix power enveloped her and sent her deep into the void. As if lying under her mother's warm suspicion, she gradually fell into a deep sleep. The moment she closed her eyes, she could still see those eyes full of love, tenderness, and nostalgia.

A more incomplete memory also emerged from his mind: it was still the endless void, and on top of the huge boat, a woman with a beautiful face stared deeply at him.

The sound of killing shook the sky, and fearless figures rushed towards the surroundings. In an instant, they turned into nothingness and fell into the void.

However, being held in the arms of the woman and looking at her affectionately, she felt no fear at all, only such warmth.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment. I don’t know how long it took, but finally, the woman made up her mind, kissed her forehead, smiled sadly, handed the baby clothes to the maid beside her, raised her sword and charged towards the enemy blocking the front...

It turns out that this is my life experience. She is the daughter of Emperor Lingxu and the Empress!

The distant scene gradually disappeared, but Gu Fenghua's eyes were already dim with tears, and his beautiful face was already covered with tear stains.

"Senior Ye, the powerful enemy you are talking about is Emperor Haokong?" Gu Fenghua looked at the starry sky and asked Ye Lishang.

Finally knowing her life experience and finally recovering some of her incomplete memories, her heart hurt like a knife.

But she knew that now was not the time to be sad. Her parents had not avenged their vengeance, and there was no way they could just watch her return to the supreme heaven!

Wiping away the tears, Gu Fenghua's body burned with a fierce fighting spirit that he had never experienced before.

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