My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5779 5779 Finally found the answer

He could only continue to wait patiently, and this wait would take tens of thousands of years.

Not long ago, when he reached the peak of the ninth level of the Holy Saint, he finally sent his spiritual thoughts through the void barrier and discovered the Wuji Holy Heaven. Then, he was surprised to discover the imperial pulse energy of Emperor Lingxu.

The emperor's daughter! As he expected, the emperor's daughter was still alive! At that moment, he almost cried with joy.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong: the emperor's daughter's cultivation had surpassed the peak of the ninth-grade emperor saint, and had already exceeded her own limit. She was only one step away from being promoted to the supreme saint. How could this be possible?

Judging from his previous discoveries, this cultivation plane is not rich in spiritual energy. Even with his qualifications, it would be difficult to reach such a state after tens of thousands of years of cultivation. Judging from the aura of the emperor's daughter, she is obviously not that old. She has been practicing for tens of thousands of years, not even a hundred years.

From the perspective of Wuji Shengtian, this is of course even more wrong. They have been hunting down the Queen of Heaven and the Emperor's daughter tens of thousands of years ago. How could she not even be a hundred years old? But for Yuwen Zhenchen, this is completely normal.

Obviously, the power of the Phoenix not only protected the emperor's daughter through the void barrier, but also cut her veins and cleansed her marrow to improve her qualifications. Even her bloodline underwent subtle changes, and she now possesses some of the talents of the Phoenix clan. In the Supreme Heaven, such vein-cutting and marrow-cleansing operations are not uncommon, because the strength of the person doing it is different, the degree of qualification improvement is different, and the time-consuming is also different.

It can take as short as three years and five years, or as long as hundreds of thousands of years. If the Phoenix Royal Family devotes their whole life to cutting off the veins and cleansing the marrow, or even changing the bloodline, it is actually a normal thing for tens of thousands of years.

During the process of marrow cleansing, I was either in a deep sleep or confused, but both my body and my intelligence grew very slowly, always like a child. If I had the bloodline of a monster or beast in my body, I would most likely remain in an animal form. . And when the marrow cleansing is completed, Nirvana will occur again, just like returning to the mother and being reborn.

Therefore, although they have been hunting down the emperor's daughter tens of thousands of years ago, it is normal that she is only less than a hundred years old.

Of course, these are questions that others would have, but Yuwen Zhenchen is not surprised at all.

What he really doesn't understand is that the emperor's daughter can only practice for a few decades in such a thin spiritual plane, or even only ten or twenty years. Even if she is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, she has been cut off by the power of the Phoenix. The qualifications for marrow cleansing are extremely good, but he shouldn't have half-step to the holy level.

And this is because of the void barrier and the restriction of heaven and earth. If not for this, she might have been directly promoted to Saint overnight.

No, no, without the help of someone strong enough and with a bright enough vision, she would never have achieved such a level of cultivation! It is obviously impossible for such a strong person to appear in this plane with thin spiritual energy. So, who is helping?

Scenes from the past came to mind: The interception and killing of the Queen of Heaven and the Emperor's daughter should have been foolproof, how could it be possible for the maid to break out of the encirclement? There is no doubt that someone betrayed Emperor Haokong and secretly helped!

The doubts that had been hidden in his heart for tens of thousands of years finally found the answer. Of course, one can imagine the hatred and anger in Yuwen Zhenchen's heart.

Originally, he should have become famous tens of thousands of years ago, and was even expected to ascend to the throne of the King of Heaven. However, due to a betrayal, he has been stuck in the depths of the void far away from the Supreme Heaven for tens of thousands of years. He has still not recovered from his serious injuries, and his cultivation has also declined. The peak of becoming a saint fell to the realm of the holy. Even if he returns to the Supreme Heaven, he doesn't know when it will take him to return to his peak cultivation level.

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