My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5814 5814 Luck will be so bad

It is slightly different from the Wuji Holy Heaven. In the Supreme Heaven, as long as the cultivation level reaches the Holy Saint, the elixir has no restrictions on the level of cultivation. No matter whether it is the Holy Saint, the Saint, or even the Taoist Saint, it can be taken. And such elixirs are collectively called Dao elixirs. Of course, Dao Dan also has grades, and not all Dao Dan are exactly the same.

Gu Fenghua carefully studied the elixir recipes recorded in "Tianlu" and felt that with his own elixir skills, he should be able to refine some low-grade Tao elixirs. But after all, this is the supreme heaven, and the laws of heaven and earth are different in each star field, so it is better to be cautious and ask clearly first.

"There is no essential difference. As long as you understand the way of alchemy, you can refine it." Su Guang replied.

"What about the weapons and formations?" Gu Fenghua felt relieved and asked again.

"It's the same, there's no fundamental difference, as long as the strength is there." Su Guang answered simply.

Judging from his expression of neither surprise nor surprise, he obviously didn't take Gu Fenghua's alchemy or formation skills seriously.

This is normal. After all, Gu Fenghua is a half-step saint. It is normal to know some alchemy, magic, weaponry or formations. There is no need to make a fuss.

Obviously, at this time, Su Guang still didn't know how powerful Gu Fenghua's alchemy weapon skills were, let alone how much surprise she would bring to him in the near future.

"By the way, Senior, I don't have any suitable Dao Spirit Grass. Can I borrow the Dao Spirit Grass in the yard first?" Gu Fenghua asked.

Su Guang looked at Gu Fenghua faintly for a while, and then said feebly: "Those Dao Ling herbs are yours. Except for the yard where I live now, the other yards and everything in the yard are yours. You Why are you asking me?"

As he spoke, tears flashed faintly in his eyes, and his heart was bleeding quietly.

Although I have never won a bet since I was a child, playing games is a bit of fun in itself. Unlike this time, it was just a coin toss. There was no battle of wits or courage at all, no fun at all, and in the end, I almost lost everything. It feels like a loss just thinking about it.

Seeing the sadness on his face, Gu Fenghua actually felt even more helpless: He originally wanted to help him untie his knot and break his obsession, but he didn't expect that he would accidentally take advantage of others.

But what could she do? Who would have thought that his luck would be so bad?

If he had to blame, he could only blame himself. Losing everything and losing his whole life was truly worthy of the name.

"Forget it, just for fun, I'll give it back to you." Gu Fenghua said.

"No, I'm willing to admit defeat. I am a descendant of the Su family and I still have this kind of character. Don't say anything anymore. If you say anything else, you will look down on me." Su Guang said angrily.

Gu Fenghua didn't expect that his kind intentions would make him so angry. So he didn't say any more, and secretly made up his mind to give him some Dao Dan after he refined it, so that he couldn't really take advantage of him.

Later, Gu Fenghua asked about some anecdotes about the major star regions of the Supreme Heaven and some taboos that need to be paid attention to. The two of them talked as they walked back to the Su family's ancestral home... Oh no, it's the Gu family's home now.

Just as Su Guang was about to open the door, he saw several young Taoist disciples coming towards him with smiles on their faces.

"Didn't I say that I'll give it all back to you in one month, at most one month? Why are you here so soon?" Su Guang said angrily when he saw several people coming over.

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