My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5822 5822 Jumping into the trap so cooperatively

There's no way, it's all the uncles who are in debt these days. If you want to collect the debt, you must not push too hard, but you must also coax him with kind words. Otherwise, if one day Su Guang is too stressed and cannot bear it and wipes his neck, who will he turn to to collect the debt?

"Dignified guest?" Su Guang's heart tightened. Besides Gu Fenghua, are there any other distinguished guests from Qingyuan Taoist House these days?

"It seems that the guest's surname is Gu." The guest added. In a hurry, he only found out this little information.

"No!" As expected, it was Gu Fenghua. Su Guang could guess what was going on with his toes. His expression changed and he flew away from Guantian Tower.

In the Devil's Heart Valley, the thick mist circulates endlessly, getting faster and faster. Suddenly, a soft "click" sound came, the flowing clouds and mist suddenly stopped, and a gate appeared clearly at the entrance of the valley.

"It's open, the Devil's Heart Valley is open." The crowd around them cheered excitedly.

However, knowing that the two Fuzheng adults opened the Devil's Heart Valley specifically for the competition between Zhuang Yiming, Chen Jizu and Gu Fenghua, they were extremely excited, but no one left.

"Senior Gu, please." Chen Jizu made a gesture of invitation to Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua jumped into the pit so cooperatively that he didn't even have to waste much time. This made him feel extremely happy and his attitude became polite.

"Please." Gu Fenghua also made a gesture, and then flew towards the Devil's Heart Valley.

"Stop, Fenghua, stop!" At this moment, Su Guang flew over with an anxious look on his face.

Chen Jizu and Zhuang Yiming's expressions changed drastically, as if they were struck by lightning. I was really afraid that something would happen. This bad old man would come sooner or later, so why did he come here at the last moment?

"Senior, why are you here too?" Gu Fenghua stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"You're still smiling, you still have the nerve to laugh, don't you know you're about to be betrayed?" Su Guang was so anxious that he wanted to jump.

"Are you talking about the Devil's Heart Valley?" Gu Fenghua asked. Seeing the old man's anxious look, I was secretly moved.

"Nonsense, do you know where the Devil's Heart Valley is?" Su Guang asked angrily.

"I know, it's about cultivating the heart of the Tao." Gu Fenghua said calmly.

"Then do you know that once you step into the Devil's Heart Valley, you will be in a state of confusion. Unless you can pass through the seven gates and pass the seven levels of tests, you will be trapped in it. It can take as little as three to five months, or as much as a year and a half. Don't even think about it." Seeing her ignorant and fearless look, Su Guang became even more angry and said almost like a roar.

"Is there such a thing?" Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that the test in Devil's Heart Valley hid such risks.

Although it is only a risk, not dangerous, but if she is really trapped in the Devil's Heart Valley for three to five months or even a year and a half, how can she participate in the experience of Qingyuan Dao Pond?

It turned out that this was what Chen Jizu and Zhuang Yiming really had in mind.

However, they will not be an exception if they are trapped in the Devil's Heart Valley, unless they can pass all seven levels of tests. However, judging from the anxious looks on the faces of other Taoist disciples and Su Guang around them, they probably don't have that kind of strength.

It's not necessary to injure the enemy by one thousand and injure yourself by eight hundred, right? Besides, being trapped in Devil's Heart Valley and unable to get out, wouldn't it mean that in the end it would be an advantage to outsiders? The two of them shouldn't be so generous, right?

Gu Fenghua glanced at the two of them subconsciously, and Gu Fenghua was puzzled again.

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