My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5824 5824 Anyway, the overall situation has been decided

It was over, but he still didn't dissuade Gu Fenghua after all. In this case, wouldn't it mean that she would have to wait ten thousand years before she could go to Qingyuan Daochi? In other words, he would not be able to fulfill his ancestor's will until then. God, ten thousand years, his scalp is numb just thinking about it.

Next to them, Zhuang Yiming and Chen Jizu were full of surprises.

When they saw Su Guang unexpectedly appear just now, they were so anxious that their throats were about to smoke. If they hadn't been concerned about his status as a worshiper, they would have wanted to pounce on him and strangle him to death.

The moment Su Guang revealed the secret of Devil's Heart Valley, they all thought that all their previous efforts had been wasted and their work had been in vain. However, they did not expect that Gu Fenghua would not be moved at all and jumped into the pit with determination.

How come there are such lovely people in the world? The two of them almost cried with joy as they looked at Gu Fenghua's graceful figure in the valley.

"Are we going yet?" Zhuang Yiming asked.

Previously, they were worried that Gu Fenghua would become suspicious, so of course they had to accompany him into the Devil's Heart Valley. However, now that Gu Fenghua was so proactive and entered the Devil's Heart Valley earlier than them, of course it didn't matter whether they went or not.

"Since it's agreed to be a competition, of course we have to go, otherwise it wouldn't be a joke." Chen Jizu said righteously while walking calmly along the stone stairs towards the Devil's Heart Valley.

Anyway, the overall situation has been decided, so he doesn't have to worry. He can just go slowly and see what Gu Fenghua is capable of.

Zhuang Yiming curled his lips and cast another look of disdain: Do you think that others won't laugh at you? You have to be a pretentious person and build a memorial arch. Neither of these two people is good.

Although he despised Chen Jizu in his heart, everyone knew some things well and there was no need to show his despicable side too obviously, so Zhuang Yiming still followed him.

As soon as he stepped through the gate, Gu Fenghua's eyes suddenly dimmed, and the valley that was originally shrouded in mist suddenly became pitch black.

How is this going? Gu Fenghua was secretly surprised.

Before she could figure it out, there was a sudden scream that broke through the air, and a sword light tore through the darkness like lightning and slashed towards her.

This sword was so powerful and unstoppable that it arrived in front of her in the blink of an eye.

All the minds were attracted by this sword, and the fear that had never existed before could not help but come to mind.

If it were anyone else, even a powerful person in the realm of the Holy Saint or even the Saint, facing such a killing sword, their whole body would be cold and their legs would become weak due to fear. die.

But Gu Fenghua was different. The fear in his eyes flashed away, and he regained his clarity in an instant. It was also filled with surprise and even surprise.

This was not the first time she had experienced such an encounter. In the broken space of the abyss, on the half of the ruined tower, she had experienced similar fear.

Compared to the last time, the fear this time was a little stronger, but there was no essential difference. This is exactly one of the seven emotions: fear!

It turns out that the test of the Devil's Heart Valley is the test of the seven emotions, and it is through this method that the Taoist heart is built.

Isn't this a bit too simple?

Logically speaking, it is not a bad thing that this test is simpler. She should be secretly grateful. However, thinking of Sword Spirit's excited urging before, thinking of Su Guang's anxious face, and her own laborious explanation, Gu Fenghua felt a little agitated. Inexplicable loss.

She shook her head and continued walking forward.

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