My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5829 5829 Another archway, right?

With the experience just now, she no longer tried to understand the meaning of the sword. Because she found that with her current level of cultivation, it was impossible to comprehend such sword intent. The only thing she could do was to keep it in mind and wait until her cultivation level improved before slowly comprehending it.

For others, this was certainly not an easy task, but she had already tempered her soul with the Seven Emotions Tree and passed the test of half a stairway in the abyss. The sword intent could not have any impact on her mind. With full concentration and almost no effort, she firmly imprinted the sword intention in her heart.

There is no doubt that the next level of test is also one of the seven emotions. Gu Fenghua has completely understood the mystery of the devil's heart and there is no need to waste time.

She continued walking forward briskly, and soon she saw the backs of Zhuang Yiming and Chen Jizu.

Zhuang and Chen did not pay attention to what was behind them. They were trying hard to steady their minds and walked towards the third gate.

Although they had already had the experience of building the Devil's Heart Path once, they were still uneasy after entering the Devil's Heart Valley for the second time. After finally passing the second level test, they were all covered in sweat, their steps became staggering, and they looked extremely embarrassed.

Finally arriving at the third gate, the two of them did not rush to continue, but stopped at the same time.

The devil's heart building became more and more difficult as time went by. Although they passed the third level test last time, both of them were seriously injured afterwards and it took them a long time to recover. Looking back at this time, both of them were still frightened, so naturally they did not dare to step into the third door easily.

"Junior Brother Chen, how many tests do you think Gu Fenghua can pass?" Zhuang Yiming asked Chen Jizu while wiping the sweat from his forehead while recovering.

It was a bit embarrassing to enter the Devil's Heart Valley for the second time, but he was still in such a mess, but as long as he thought about Gu Fenghua's poor performance of standing still for a long time and not even passing the first level test, he suddenly felt much better.

"Looking at her like that, I'm afraid even the second level will be difficult. Alas, if I had known that her qualifications were so poor, I shouldn't have let her come to Devil's Heart Valley. She had no grudges in the past and has no grudges in recent times. If she had been hurt, she would have been hurt. Our future is ruined, and we may not have peace of mind for the rest of our lives." Chen Jizu sighed.

It’s here again, it’s here again, and it’s another archway, right?

"Since you are so kind, why not just admit defeat and give her the spot directly." What Zhuang Yiming couldn't stand the most was the hypocrisy of the Chen family's ancestors. He rolled his eyes and said sarcastically.

"It's too late. Even if I give up now, she won't be able to get out of Devil's Heart Valley, and she won't be able to use the quota given to her." Chen Jizu continued to sigh, as if he really wanted to give the quota to Gu Fenghua.

"If she can't get out, I can. If you can't give it to her, just give it to me. You are so generous to outsiders, so you shouldn't be stingy with your own brothers." Zhuang Yiming laughed.

"You have a beautiful idea." Chen Jizu didn't answer his question at all and turned away.

"I know that you two, grandson and grandson, each talk nicer than the other, but in fact you are all full of evil." Zhuang Yiming said with disdain.

"What did you say?" Chen Jizu turned his head angrily.

Zhuang Yiming said that was all he wanted, but he dared to be disrespectful to his grandfather, which was unbearable. Chen Jizu was really angry this time.

"What's the matter, you want to take action? Just in time, why don't we decide the outcome in Devil's Heart Valley, and whoever wins will go to Qingyuan Dao Pond." A sly light flashed in Zhuang Yiming's eyes.

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