My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5832 5832 Carrying a lot of bad debt

Everyone's heart bleeds at the thought of giving away the Dao Lingshi that they have worked hard to accumulate for many years and being saddled with a lot of debt.

Looking at Su Guang subconsciously, someone wanted to ask for mercy, but thinking about what happened to the disciple before, he couldn't open his mouth. Their creditor was worshiped by the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, and it was passed down from generation to generation. If it weren't for the thin population and the decline of the family, and the old gambler who lost everything in his life, his status would still be in the two mansions. Just above.

If they offend him and expel them from Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, they won't be able to find a place to reason with them.

Su Guang didn't notice their gazes. All his eyes stayed on the Devil's Heart Valley and Gu Fenghua.

Won, actually won! Although there was always some hope in his heart that even he thought was unrealistic, he had actually resigned himself to his fate. If you lose everything, you lose your life. Who can change what has been destined since birth?

But he never dreamed that Gu Fenghua would pass the tests one after another. Looking at his posture, he would probably be able to pass the fourth level test with ease.

The wish that I have been looking forward to for a lifetime has finally come true, and the obsession that has plagued my life has finally been broken.

Excitement, surprise, relief... all kinds of emotions surged in his chest. Su Guang just wanted to roar loudly, smile to the sky, and cry.

"Su Gongfeng, I have something to discuss with you." At this time, Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan took two steps forward and said with smiles on their faces.

"You two gentlemen, you don't need to meet outside. If you have anything to say, just tell me." Su Guang wiped the corners of his eyes and said cheerfully.

Now he is the biggest creditor of the Qingyuan Taoist House. From the disciples to the official, almost everyone owes him a huge amount of debt. Of course, he no longer has to behave like before with his tail between his legs. His waist is straighter than ever before. The way he raises his hands and feet shows his grandeur.

"Well, what about the bet we made earlier? We just joined in the fun and didn't take it seriously. The worshiper probably won't take it seriously, right?" Zhuang Mengdie smiled particularly kindly, and his face was as blue as yesterday. His nose was not his nose, his eyes were not his eyes. Mr. Fu Zheng looked forward to two people.

"So, Mr. Fu Zheng just joined in the fun and didn't take it seriously about the IOU?" Su Guang said with a smile on his face while holding the altar.

"Of course, we are family friends. We have been together since we were children, wearing crotchless pants and playing in the mud. In such a friendship, asking for money hurts the feelings. This so-called IOU is just a joke." This time there was no waiting. When Zhuang Mengdie spoke, Chen Siyuan rushed to speak.

"..." Su Guang's fake smile froze, and he felt violently sweating.

Wearing crotchless pants and playing in the can tell how old you are, this kind of childhood embarrassment happened. For the sake of tens of thousands of Dao Spirit Stones, do you even give up your dignity?

"That's right, our friendship and the so-called IOU are just a joke. Well, the bet just now was also a joke." Zhuang Yiming immediately agreed.

However, he was not as thick-skinned as Chen Siyuan, and he was too embarrassed to mention wearing crotchless pants and peeing in the mud.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that the two Fuzheng adults were joking, and I wasn't joking with you either." Seeing the two old guys showing their shamelessness, Su Guang resisted the urge to laugh wildly. , said with a straight face.

In the past, he owed a lot of debt and could not stand upright in front of anyone, especially when facing the two biggest creditors, he lacked confidence. As a dignified worshiper, there is no majesty at all in Qingyuan Taoist Mansion. He doesn't even have the chance to speak out, let alone make decisions about big and small matters. Ordinary disciples don't joke around when they see him.

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