My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5846 5846 Let’s support our junior sister

She was not wrong. Seeing her putting away the token, Lin Yuantang took the initiative and said without waiting for her to ask: "This order is called the Supervisor Order. With this order, the subordinates can supervise the disciples, and the superiors can supervise the Lord. No matter who commits the crime If you make a mistake, as long as there is evidence, you can be punished by the government.

According to the rules established by our Qingyuan Taoist House since ancient times, the post of Palace Supervisor should be held by the direct disciples of the previous Palace Supervisor. If the previous Palace Supervisor has no disciples, or a disciple has an accident, the previous Palace Supervisor or the Palace Chief’s disciple will be held. Direct disciples are in charge.

It happened that the two direct disciples of the previous Palace Supervisor both died unexpectedly when they were promoted to Sainthood, and Fujun and Fuzheng each only accepted one disciple, the three of us, so the position of Palace Supervisor has been idle.

Now that the three of us are acting as teachers and accepting disciples, this palace supervisory order should naturally be passed on to you. "

"Junior Sister Fenghua, from now on you will be the prisoner of our Qingyuan Taoist Mansion. No matter who it is, if someone commits adultery and commits a crime, just punish them. If anyone refuses to obey the discipline, we will support you." Chen Siyuan said.

Anyway, the palace supervisor's order has been given to Gu Fenghua, so she will not regret her apprenticeship, and his title has become more affectionate. But as cordial as he is cordial, there is clearly a hint of gritted teeth when he says this.

"Well, let's support Junior Sister." Zhuang Mengdie also gritted his teeth and agreed.

In the past, the three of them were the masters of the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, and Lin Yuantang didn't take care of things very much. In the final analysis, the two governors had the final say on all major and minor matters. Now, an additional governor appeared out of thin air. Even if they have never committed any crime before, there is always a pair of eyes watching from behind. They don't know when they accidentally make a mistake, and they will be whipped.

This feeling still made them feel uncomfortable all over.

Gu Fenghua secretly realized that the power of the governor was so great. The so-called order of the governor was clearly an invisible shackle around the necks of the governor and the governor. It's no wonder that when Su Guang talked about accepting disciples as a master, the three of them were hesitant and finally made up their minds.

"Tell me the important point, tell the important point." She was sighing secretly, but Su Guang waved his hand impatiently and said.

Gu Fenghua was even more surprised: Could it be that the power of the governor does not end there?

"According to the government regulations, the Lingcao Garden and Cangzhen Pavilion in the mansion are also under the control of the palace supervisor. If you need any cultivation resources, as long as they are not too important, you can use them yourself." Lin Yuantang could only continue.

Gu Fenghua finally suddenly realized that Su Guang had spared no effort to help him win the position of palace supervisor. It turned out that he came not for the power of supervising the disciples' palace, but for the Lingcao Garden and Cangzhen Pavilion.

Although she was not a greedy person, she had just arrived in Supreme Heaven and was very poor. The only thing she lacked most was training resources. Su Guang was a big help.

"Senior, thank you very much." Gu Fenghua gathered his energy to transmit sound and said gratefully to Su Guang.

"There is no need for you and me to be apart from each other. If it weren't for you, I would never have thought of winning once in my life. Now that I have finally broken my fate, I will be happy even if I die." Su Guang also gathered his energy to transmit sound and said, but It's hard to hide the excitement and joy on his face.

"What?" Gu Fenghua asked inexplicably as he didn't know about the bet Su Guang had just made.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, those guys looked down on you just now and actually made a bet with me..." Su Guangmei recounted what had just happened in detail, and when he got excited, he danced again as if he had been beaten to death.

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