My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5851 5851 What my father can do

"If it were anyone else, of course the elementary level of the Holy Saint wouldn't be able to do it, and they wouldn't even be able to transform into a saint. But you are different. Demonic Heart Tempering is not only tempering your soul, but also the holy soul.

Your father originally placed me into the Holy Soul to help me repair the sword spirit. At that time, he was nothing more than a saint. "Sword Spirit said. When he mentioned Emperor Lingxu again, his tone was still full of admiration.

Hearing its words, Gu Fenghua suddenly became proud: What his father can do, he can also do, definitely!

The holy energy circulates, and a colorful holy bead appears between the eyebrows. A colorful soul bead also appeared behind him at the same time, whirling around the body, and the strange lights and colors lingered and merged, condensing the holy soul.

After searching with his spiritual mind, Gu Fenghua was surprised to find that the Holy Soul at this time was indeed slightly different from before.

On the surface, it appears to be as tiny as a star point, but when spiritual thoughts penetrate it, there is something else, as if there is a hidden space inside. This space is not large, but it gives people an ethereal feeling, as if it can be extended infinitely and has infinite possibilities. The spiritual thoughts came in and disappeared quickly, like a stream of clear spring pouring into the vast ocean.

Obviously, with her current strength, she is still unable to truly pry into the mystery of the Holy Spirit. Gu Fenghua wasted no time and took out the Demonic Wood Cauldron and slowly approached the Holy Spirit.

A surprising scene happened. Under the shroud of the seven-colored strange light, the demon wood tripod gradually became blurred, like a reflection in the water, swaying and twisting with the breeze.

Finally, the moment it came into contact with the holy spirit, the demonic wood cauldron completely disappeared!

At the same time, Gu Fenghua felt a sharp pain in his mind, as if his soul exploded and was torn apart in an instant.

In just a moment, her face turned pale, her holy robe was soaked in cold sweat, and her body was shaking violently.

Because of the sudden severe pain, even her mind fell into a state of emptiness.

"What's wrong with you, Fenghua? What happened!" At this moment, Su Guang's anxious cry sounded in his ears.

A soft holy energy poured into the sea of ​​​​qi along the meridians, flowing through the eight meridians of the limbs and bones. Although the pain of soul explosion still flooded into his mind like a surging tide, his body felt warm and uncomfortable, and Gu Fenghua quickly regained his clarity.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Gu Fenghua forced a smile and said to Su Guang and several guard disciples who came after hearing the sound.

Seeing Gu Fenghua's pale face and cold sweat on her face, the several guard disciples certainly didn't believe that she was fine, but after hearing what she said, they didn't ask any more questions.

"Then we won't disturb the Palace Supervisor. If anything happens to the Palace Supervisor, just tell the disciples." The leading guard bowed and bowed, and left with his subordinates knowingly.

"What happened just now?" Su Guang did not leave, but looked at Gu Fenghua worriedly.

"Refining Taoist weapons." Gu Fenghua didn't want to hide anything from him, so he gathered Qi and sent a message to answer.

"What, you, are you refining a Taoist weapon?" Su Guang looked at Gu Fenghua in shock, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

"Yes, can't you?" Seeing his surprised expression, Gu Fenghua suddenly felt a little bad.

"How did you do it?" Su Guang asked without answering her question directly, suppressing the shock in his heart.

"Just put the Demonic Wood Cauldron into the Holy Spirit. The next step is to put in the Ziqingdao meteorite, and then put in the Taixu True Flame." Gu Fenghua said, and after thinking for a while, he added, "By the way, the Demonic Wood Cauldron It’s my alchemy furnace and a divine weapon.”

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