In any case, the most dangerous step was passed safely. Of course, Gu Fenghua would not give up halfway and put the Ziqing Dao meteorite into the Holy Soul.

This time, there was only a slight tingling sensation in my mind, and it quickly returned to normal.

"Is there nothing else to do next?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Um...ah...oh..." came the vague voice of the bitch.

"Do you need me to do anything else?" Gu Fenghua raised his eyebrows slightly: Let's talk about business, what do you mean by um um ah oh oh?

This swordsman is indeed very unreliable.

"Your father hasn't done anything since then. Just add some Taoist gold from time to time. But you also know that at that time, I was a Taoist weapon, but the Demonic Wood Cauldron was not." The sword spirit said.

At this time, you remembered that you were originally a Taoist weapon and the Demon Wood Cauldron was not. Gu Fenghua almost fell to the ground.

"What should we do now?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"I don't know either." The bitch answered honestly.

"You don't know!" Gu Fenghua raised his voice.

In order to refine the Taoist weapon, I almost lost my life. At this point, you actually told me that you don't know what to do next. Then my death was in vain!

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. At this point, the Taoist weapon can definitely be made, but it will take a little more time. The amount of Taoist Spirit Gold required may not be the same as mine at that time. Let me help you keep an eye on it. , I will tell you what Dao Lingjin you need when the time comes." The sword spirit almost caused Gu Fenghua to lose his life, and he was probably a little ashamed, so he said with an apologetic tone.

"Then if the Taoist weapon cannot be refined for a while, can the alchemy furnace still be used?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"It doesn't matter if you use it occasionally, but it's better to spend more time cultivating it, so that you can refine it into a Taoist weapon as soon as possible." The sword spirit said.

Gu Fenghua felt relieved now. She was still going to try to refine the Tao Pill. If the Demonic Wood Cauldron could not be refined into a Tao weapon and could not be used, it would be better to give up as soon as possible.

After walking around the Zangzhen Pavilion and seeing that there were no rare treasures that he urgently needed, Gu Fenghua didn't want to take advantage of the Qingyuan Taoist House, so he was ready to leave.

"Don't leave in a hurry, take another red jade Taoist divine stone, three jade crystal Taoist soul gold, two Lingxu righteous Taoist stones... put them all into the holy soul." The sword spirit spoke again, speaking out dozens of Taoisms in one go. Spirit gold.

Gu Fenghua's forehead began to sweat again. Although he didn't need much of each kind of Dao Lingjin, there were two or three of them, but the total amount was hundreds. And according to the market conditions she learned from "Tianlu", what the sword spirit just said is all high-grade Taoist gold, and those places placed under the Tao Mansion are all valuable and priceless. Hard to find.

"You didn't say you needed so much Dao Spirit Gold just now, did you?" Gu Fenghua asked somewhat depressedly.

Although as a palace supervisor, he could use cultivation resources at will, including hundreds of high-grade Taoist gold, this would be a bit too ugly.

"Didn't I tell you already? I forgot that I was a Taoist weapon at that time, but your alchemy furnace was not." The sword spirit said confidently.

"Okay." Gu Fenghua covered his forehead, completely helpless towards this swordsman.

Anyway, Lin Yuantang and others are interested in their own qualifications and future achievements. At worst, when they have strength in the future, they can just repay them twice as much. Gu Fenghua could only comfort himself like this, putting the Taoist gold that the sword spirit mentioned one by one into the holy soul.

Then he was too embarrassed to chat with the guards and left the Cangzhen Pavilion as if he had a guilty conscience.

At this time, Gu Fenghua didn't know that this was just the beginning...

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