My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5856 5856 Never defeat the small ones, only defeat the big ones

"Six, six thousand two hundred and seventy-four..." After a while, Mr. Fu Jun raised his head and repeated with trembling.

"It's six thousand two hundred and forty-seven, not seventy-four." Qingfeng corrected.

Lin Yuantang was so angry that he almost kicked him out: Is there a big difference between forty-seven and seventy-four? Look at the big head, you have to look at the big head. The key is the six thousand in front, not seventy-four or forty-seven. You have no eyesight, aren't you causing trouble for others?

"Master Fu, we can't let her go on like this, otherwise all the wealth our Qingyuan Taoist Palace has managed to save will be wiped out by her." Zhuang Mengdie said with trembling hands and a cry.

"Prodigal son, this is the real prodigal son. He never loses the small ones, only the big ones." Chen Siyuan murmured to himself. There was no longer any smile or relief on his face, only sadness.

It would be fine if Gu Fenghua defeated Dao Lingcao. After all, it was a living thing and could grow again. It would only take a little more time, but it would not completely destroy the Qingyuan Dao Mansion's family fortune. But what she lost was Dao Lingjin. If you use one, you will lose one. Once you use it up, it will be really over.

Over the years, although the two of them held the power of the Taoist government, they were not willing to waste half a Taoist spirit gold. Gu Fenghua had only been in charge of the government for a few days, but he actually lost more than 6,000 of them.

The two Fuzheng adults felt more and more aggrieved as they thought about it, and their old faces began to twitch with distress.

"Don't forget that she is a palace supervisor and has this right." Lin Yuantang took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said to the two of them.

"But you can't be so wasteful and prodigal." Zhuang Mengdie said angrily, his heart hurting like a knife.

"Then you go and talk to her?" Lin Yuantang said.

"Okay, I'll go talk to her right now." Zhuang Mengdie didn't think much and stood up immediately after hearing this.

"Wait a minute, what if she doesn't listen?" Chen Siyuan thought more, stopped Zhuang Mengdie and asked.

"If you don't listen, if you don't listen I will..." Zhuang Mengdie was full of resentment. Hearing this, his neck stiffened, and he habitually put on the majesty of the government and said with a stern face.

But he stopped abruptly just halfway through his words, and his head, which was raised high, drooped.

Gu Fenghua was the palace supervisor, so it would be nice if he didn't pull his pigtails. How could he cause trouble for the palace supervisor.

"That's all, let her go. Don't forget why we left her. If we offend her, we will leave the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion. Our bamboo basket is empty, and I'm afraid we will become someone else in the future. The laughingstock of the Taoist government." Lin Yuantang sighed.

This is exactly what Zhuang and Chen are worried about. If someone else takes up the post of Palace Supervisor, they can also give him good advice as fellow disciples, and it doesn't matter what the point of their words is. Anyway, they have a friendship where they play in the mud together and wear crotchless pants, so they are not afraid of him falling out.

But Gu Fenghua was different. In order to keep her in Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, they had racked their brains and thought. If they forced her away just because of a few thousand Daoling Gold, wouldn't it be worth the loss?

"I can't bear to let the child be a trap. Anyway, she, a cheap junior sister, has not benefited from the Qingyuan Taoist House. Let's just think of us as making up for her." Lin Yuantang is the master of the house after all, so he still needs to take a longer-term view, and explains. The two said.

"Lord Fujun, do you think she will really become a sensation in the future and become as famous as Emperor Lingxu?" After hearing what he said, Zhuang and Chen finally felt a little better, but they still asked worriedly.

More than 6,000 pieces of high-grade Taoist spirit gold, how many cultivation resources must be exchanged for, no matter how much you make up for it, it should be enough. If Gu Fenghua achieves nothing in the end, their Qingyuan Taoist House will suffer a huge loss.

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