My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5865 5865 You’d better give up as soon as possible

Zhengyang Daofu also has the position of Supervisor, which has the same powers as Qingyang Daofu, so he knows exactly what the Supervisory Order that just passed before his eyes means.

That was clearly a sharp sword hanging over the heads of Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie, and Chen Siyuan. Unless they make no mistakes for the rest of their lives, any small mistake, caught by the governor, will cause them to suffer a lot and bring disgrace to them.

As long as he can win over Gu Fenghua, it is equivalent to grasping the seven inches of Lin Yuantang and others. When the time comes, he will use the outside to help. Amid internal and external troubles, are you afraid that they will not obey orders?

The best thing is that Gu Fenghua is young and has never seen much of the world. Bribing her is many times easier than convincing Lin Yuantang and others.

The more Cao Fangyi thought about it, the more delighted she became, and the more she thought about it, the more excited she became. If Lin Yuantang and the others were not present, he really wanted to take out a pile of heavenly materials and earthly treasures and hit her on the head, making her dizzy and making her willing to do so. Serving the Zhengyang Taoist House wholeheartedly.

Noticing his expression, Lin Yuantang and others felt a thump in their hearts.

Trouble! Looking at Cao Fangyi like this, even a fool can guess what he is planning. But he doesn't know what benefits he will offer to win over Gu Fenghua, let alone whether Gu Fenghua can withstand the test?

Thinking about the current momentum and strength of Zhengyang Taoist House, and then thinking about the embarrassment of Qingyuan Taoist House, even they find it difficult, very difficult!

"Master Cao, since you already know that I am the Master of Qingyuan Daofu, you should naturally know that if I don't nod what you just said, nothing they say will be of any use, right?" When they were secretly worried, Gu Fenghua suddenly showed a meaningful expression and said to Cao Fangyi with a half-smile.

Cao Fangyi was making wishful thinking when he suddenly heard this and was a little confused. However, when he saw Gu Fenghua's meaningful smile, he suddenly felt happy: Isn't this clearly asking for benefits? This Gu Fenghua, it's inevitable A little too hasty.

But for him, this is a good thing, a huge good thing. Don't be afraid that she will ask for benefits, but be afraid that she will not want them!

"Prince Gu, this is the first time we meet, so I didn't prepare any gifts. Here is one..." Cao Fangyi's smile became more intimate, and he opened the storage bracelet as he spoke.

It is true that he did not prepare a special gift for Gu Fenghua, but as a prince, he always has some natural treasures with him.

He actually started buying Fenghua in front of us. This is too impatient, too unscrupulous, and too deceptive. Do you really think that we are all dead? Seeing his actions, Lin Yuantang's face almost turned green with anger.

But before Cao Fangyi could take out the gift, Gu Fenghua's smile turned cold and he said decisively: "So, I will tell you clearly now, as long as I am still in Qingyuan Taoist House, Qingyuan Taoist House will never It may be merged into Zhengyang Daofu, so you'd better give up as soon as possible and don't say anything anymore."

"What did you say?" Cao Fangyi thought she was asking for a favor, but never in his wildest dreams did he expect that she would fall out of favor faster than flipping through a book. In the blink of an eye, she would say such words again, and the smile on her face would freeze, as if she had been splashed with a bucket of ice water. It was all over his head and face.

Lin Yuantang and others were also startled. Then, the anger and tension on their faces were wiped away, revealing unexpected ecstasy.

I was originally worried that Gu Fenghua couldn't withstand the temptation, but I didn't expect that she would not give Cao Fangyi face, not even giving him a chance to seduce him.

"I said, as long as I am still in Qingyuan Daofu, Qingyuan Daofu will never be merged into Zhengyang Daofu. You should give up as soon as possible without talking nonsense." Gu Fenghua repeated, but his tone was more serious than before. Determined and even more ruthless.

Not to mention the respect and connivance that Lin Yuantang and others had for her, let alone her father's fate with Qingyuan Taoist House, she would never let Zhengyang Taoist House's conspiracy succeed!

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