My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5873 5873Obviously, she was not dreaming!

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Zhengyang Taoist House is more abundant and solid than that in Qingyuan Taoist House. Of course, Gu Fenghua will not waste this great opportunity.

As the technique was running, her mind quickly entered the realm of emptiness, and she could even clearly feel the rapid improvement in her cultivation.

It was only now that she realized that her nameless skills were actually wasted in the Wuji Holy Heaven. Only in the Supreme Heaven can its mystery be truly reflected.

Feeling the continuous condensation of holy energy and the rapid improvement of her cultivation, she actually felt a bit like a fish returning to the sea and an eagle striking the sky...

"Dong, dong, dong." A moderate knock on the door sounded, and Gu Fenghua regained his attention, his expression was both shocked and strange.

The second level of the Holy Saint, her cultivation level has been promoted to the second level of the Holy Saint! You know, she was just promoted to the Holy Saint more than ten days ago, how could she reach the second level of the Holy Saint so quickly?

Wait, is it really fast? How long have you been practicing? You won't miss the experience of Qingyuan Daochi, right?

After being shocked, Gu Fenghua suddenly realized that this time he was practicing like a fish in water. It felt so wonderful. He was completely immersed in it and he even forgot about time.

"Dong, dong, dong." Just as he was about to take out the Holy Hour Instrument, the knock on the door continued.

Gu Fenghua opened the door and saw Lin Yuantang and others standing outside.

"Fenghua, there is a Qingyuan Taoist meeting today, we will take you there..." Lin Yuantang said.

"Senior Brother Lin, how long have I been practicing?" Gu Fenghua asked impatiently before he could finish his words.

"If you started practicing as soon as you returned to your room yesterday, it would have been almost twelve hours." Lin Yuantang looked at her inexplicably and replied.

"Not even one day!" Gu Fenghua opened his eyes wide and his expression became even weirder.

She was at the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion a few days ago, either busy selecting Dao Lingjin to help the Demonic Wood Cauldron to be promoted to a Taoist weapon, or trying to refine Tao Dan with all her heart, and she never calmed down to practice properly.

In other words, it took her almost only one day to advance from the first level of the most holy to the second level of the holy!

Isn't it true that the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to improve? When she was in the Wuji Holy Heaven or the Emperor Saint, she didn't have such a fast cultivation speed. She didn't even have such a fast cultivation speed when she was the Heavenly Saint, Xuansheng and Dharma Saint.

Could it be a dream? Gu Fenghua pinched Su Guang, and the old man screamed at the top of his lungs. Obviously, she wasn't dreaming!

"Fenghua, what happened?" Lin Yuantang asked strangely.

"Second-grade Holy Saint, I have been promoted to the second-grade Holy Saint." Gu Fenghua revealed his holy bead and muttered to himself.

"Gudong..." Looking at the two colorful holy beads between her eyebrows, Lin Yuantang and others' throats rolled with difficulty.

In just half a month, Gu Fenghua was promoted from the first level of the Holy Saint to the second level!

Even the ancestors of the Zhuang family who realized Taoism in their dreams and the ancestors of the Chen family who could practice while sleeping were not so fast, right?

Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan looked at each other and thought of all the efforts they had put in over the years. They suddenly had the urge to take off their belts and tie them to the beam, and then hang themselves up.

Fortunately, they didn't know that Gu Fenghua hadn't practiced at all in the first half of the month, and it actually only took one day to go from the first level to the second level of the Holy Saint. Otherwise, the two of them may soon turn their impulse into reality.

"Why so fast? How did you practice?" After a while, Lin Yuantang asked with difficulty.

"I don't know either, I'm just practicing the same as before." Gu Fenghua replied.

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