My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5875 5875 seems a bit embarrassing.

"That's good, that's good." Looking at her pure eyes without any impurities, Lin Yuantang and others let out a long sigh of relief.

"By the way, the Qingyuan Taoist Association is about to start. Let's leave as soon as possible to avoid missing the time." But despite this, Lin Yuantang did not dare to continue this topic. Without waiting for Gu Fenghua to say more, he dragged her out. Go.

Although the Zhengyang Taoist House has long wanted to annex the Qingyang Taoist House, Lin Yuantang and others have made false promises, but they cannot have no contact with each other. Therefore, they are familiar with the Zhengyang Taoist House and know where the Qingyuan Taoist Conference will be held. He led Gu Fenghua straight towards the depths of the Taoist mansion.

On the way, Gu Fenghua curiously asked about the origin of the Qingyuan Taoist Association, only to learn that when the Qingyuan Taoist House was at its peak, every hundred years, all the Taoist Houses under the throne of Tianwei Xingjun would be summoned to gather together the heavenly things that each family could not use. The artifacts of Caidi Baodao Dan were traded with each other. Because Qingyuan Daochi was still in their hands at that time, this grand event was also called Qingyuan Daohui.

Later, the Zhengyang Taoist House rose up strongly and replaced the status of the Qingyuan Taoist House. It also continued this tradition and convened a gathering of all the Taoist Houses every hundred years. Because Qingyuan Daochi had fallen into his hands and was renamed Zhengyang Daochi, this grand event was also renamed Zhengyang Daohui.

It's just that Lin Yuantang and others can't save face, so they still call it Qingyuan Taoist Society.

Hurrying slowly all the way, they were not late. When the group arrived at the Taoist temple located in the valley behind Fujun Hall, the Taoist meeting had just begun.

On both sides of the valley, twenty long tables were set up one after another, and the princes of each palace were taking out the rare treasures they had prepared and placing them on the table for others to choose from.

Lin Yuantang was obviously prepared. He led a few people to behind a long table and took out individual Taoist grasses and placed them on them.

Gu Fenghua didn't think it was anything at first, but after comparing it carefully, he felt it was a bit unpleasant.

The long table in front of him was covered with Dao Lingcao from top to bottom. The long tables in other Daodao mansions were filled with all kinds of rare treasures, some of which Gu Fenghua had seen in "Tianlu", and some that he had never seen before.

Judging from the faint Taoist charm emanating from these rare treasures, it is obvious that none of them are ordinary.

Gu Fenghua recalled that the so-called rare treasures he had seen in the Qingyuan Taoist Treasures Pavilion were really incomparable with other people's treasures, and only Dao Ling Cao could barely be obtained.

No, no, in fact, I can’t even get hold of the Dao Spirit Grass.

A few days ago, he read "Tianlu" from beginning to end, and tried to refine Dao Dan for a few days. Gu Fenghua now also has some understanding of Dao Lingcao, and knows that Dao Yun Er is also the most favored by Dao Lingcao. word, so the growth of Dao Ling Cao does not depend on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as much as Wuji Holy Heaven.

In the Supreme Heaven, no matter how abundant and pure the spiritual energy is, without enough time, it will be difficult for the Dao Spirit Grass to breed enough Dao Yun. Therefore, a key factor in measuring the quality value of Daoling grass is the year.

The Taoist grass that I put on the table is only a few thousand years old at most, but it is not surprising that other Taoist houses occasionally put a Taoist grass on the table, but all of them are more than ten thousand years old, or even tens of thousands of years old.

Comparing this carefully, it seems a bit embarrassing.

Lin Yuantang didn't pay attention at first, but later he noticed Gu Fenghua's gaze. Looking left and right, his face became a little ugly.

In fact, although Qingyuan Taoist Mansion is not what it used to be, it is not so poor that only Dao Lingcao is left. In addition to the Cangzhen Pavilion, there are also some treasures of heaven and earth treasured in his mansion and the homes of the two mansion masters. precious.

However, in the past, when participating in the Qingyuan Taoist Association (Zhengyang Taoist Association), each Taoist family would have reservations, and no one would lightly expose their family background. This time they brought Fenghua to the Zhengyang Taoist House, and they did not want to attract the attention of others. , naturally he had to keep a low profile, so he didn’t prepare any special preparations. He just brought some Dao Spirit Grass over casually.

Who knew that the other Taoist houses had gone against the norm this time, and each one was more generous than the other. Wasn't this a slap in the face in front of Fenghua?

"Mr. Hanfu, have you taken out all the treasures of the town?" Lin Yuantang asked the old man next to him with a resentful look, not wanting Gu Fenghua to underestimate his Taoist house. This old man was the one he met yesterday. Han Daocheng became Lord Hanfu.

"Lin Fujun, don't you know?" Han Daocheng looked at the Dao Lingcao on the next table, seemed to understand something, and said in surprise.

"What do you know?" Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie, Chen Siyuan, and Su Guang all looked confused.

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