My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5877 5877 I can’t calm down anymore.

Unfortunately, the self-proclaimed prodigy in front of me is none other than the Superintendent of Zhengyang Taoist Prefecture—Kou Chuchen! With his status, it is absolutely impossible for him to speak freely.

They can be sure that Kou Chuchen is not only an alchemy wizard, but also an incredible alchemy master!

The fact was indeed as they expected.

Kou Chuchen glanced around the audience with a smile, waved his sleeves lightly, and an antique alchemy furnace appeared in front of him.

“In two days’ time, the Zhengyang Dao Pond will be opened, and I don’t need to tell you the details.

In order to allow the disciples of each prefecture to gain greater gains from their experience in the Dao Pool, this time I plan to help each prefecture refine some Taoist elixirs. "Immediately afterwards, Kou Chuchen said calmly.

He spoke calmly, but the people listening could not calm down.

"What, Dao Body Pill!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of exclamation in the valley.

No matter whether it was the president or the supervisor, everyone looked shocked, and some were even trembling with excitement, including Lin Yuantang and others.

The only difference is that in addition to excitement, their expressions also become heavier.

"What Dao Body Pill?" Gu Fenghua asked doubtfully.

She has read through the "Tianlu" these days. Even though she glanced at many places, she read the records related to the alchemy and weapon path very carefully, but she had no impression of this body elixir at all.

"The Taoist Pill is a Taoist Pill discovered by Xu Zizhen, a Taoist master of the generation, a hundred years ago. It sounds ordinary, but it can increase the strength of the body's meridians and qi sea by more than ten times." Lin Yuantang explained.

No wonder Gu Fenghua has no impression of Tao Ti Dan. "Tian Lu" was written thousands of years ago. Although later generations often make additions, it has only been a hundred years since the birth of Tao Ti Dan, but it has not yet been added to "Tian Lu".

"The strength of the body's meridians and qi sea has increased by more than ten times!" Gu Fenghua was secretly speechless after hearing this.

Compared with monster beasts, the biggest weakness of human beings is physical strength. If the body's meridians and qi sea can be increased by more than ten times, wouldn't it be comparable to monster beasts?

"For this reason, Dao Ti Dan is classified as a third-grade Dao pill, but in fact, many third-grade Dao pill masters may not be able to successfully refine it, and even if they succeed, the chance of success is extremely low." Lin Yuantang continued.

Gu Fenghua didn't find anything surprising about this. Considering the effectiveness of the Dao Body Pill, it is only natural that it be classified as a third-grade Dao Pill. Because the birth time is too short, the recipe and refining method are inevitably not perfect, and it is not surprising that it is not easy for others to refine it.

"By the way, the experience of Qingyuan Daochi requires extremely high physical fitness. If the physical fitness is slightly worse, the meridians may be broken and the sea of ​​​​qi will be shattered. This body elixir can come in handy." Chen Siyuan added.

Only then did Gu Fenghua know why all the princes present were so excited. It turned out to be for this reason.

Kou Chuchen chose to help each Dao Mansion refine Dao Body Pills, which was exactly what they needed, and he really put some thought into it.

Seeing the excitement in everyone's eyes, Kou Chuchen, Cao Fangyi, and Pang Lingqing looked at each other and showed a knowing smile.

Kou Chuchen made a series of hand seals, and a red flame appeared under the alchemy furnace. The runes on the furnace body flashed alternately, releasing the unique aura of the artifact.

Although he had known for a long time that the supreme divine weapon was like a cloud, and he also guessed that the alchemy furnace used by Kou Chuchen to refine Taoist elixirs must be a divine weapon, Gu Fenghua was still secretly surprised when he felt the strong spiritual energy emanating from this alchemy furnace.

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