My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5879 5879 The proud look on his face

Only then did everyone notice that Kou Chuchen's face was covered with a layer of fine sweat, and his eyes also showed a bit of exhaustion. It was obvious that he couldn't use up enough to refine these three Dao Body Pills. Sorry to make any more noise, they all quieted down.

Kou Chuchen sat down to run his technique, rested for a moment, and then stood up again.

"Prince Kou, I wonder if this Hanyun Dao Fengyu can catch your eye? If there are other heavenly materials and earthly treasures that you are interested in, just ask for them." The man who was the first to speak before then Said softly.

"Kou Mansion Supervisor, if the Great Reincarnation Fruit is not enough, I can also add a few more heavenly materials and earthly treasures. I don't know what the Superintendent will do." Another Fujun said immediately.

Seeing this, others also spoke.

"Hey, gentlemen, aren't you putting me in a difficult position?

Speaking of which, there is no distinction between these rare treasures that you bring out. Any one of them is enough to exchange for my three Dao Body Pills. But this is what makes me embarrassed. If I agree to one family, I will inevitably offend other families. What should I do? "Kou Chuchen patted his forehead and said with an embarrassed look on his face.

Hearing what he said, everyone could understand his difficulty, and they were embarrassed to press him too hard, so they all fell silent.

"Supervisor Kou, our Cangyun Daofu has been following the lead of Zhengyang Daofu all these years, and we dare not disobey any orders. I hope that for the sake of our sincere heart, Cangyun Daofu, the superintendent will give us a Opportunity." At this time, a prince said.

Hearing his words, the hearts of the other people in the mansions all trembled.

Since the Zhengyang Taoist House defeated the Qingyuan Taoist House that year, it has become the first of the twenty Taoist Houses under Tianwei Xingjun. The other Taoist Houses appear to obey his orders, but in fact they are wary of each other. They also obey and defy the Zhengyang Taoist House .

Only this Cangyun Taoist House, as soon as it saw the decline of Qingyuan Taoist House, immediately surrendered to Zhengyang Taoist House and obeyed its orders.

No matter how difficult Kou Chuchen was, he couldn't make Cangyun Daofu feel cold. These three Taoist pills would probably have no chance with them.

"That's true. You, Cangyun Taoist Mansion, and I, Zhengyang Taoist Mansion, have always been on the same page. It's really unjustifiable that I don't give these three Taoist pills to you." Sure enough, after hearing these words, Kou Chuchen thought for a while and said happily. He waved his hand and sent three Dao Body Pills to Lord Cangyun Daofu.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Palace Supervisor. I, Cangyun Daofu, will definitely serve Zhengyang Daofu wholeheartedly in the future. If you disobey this, you will be punished by heaven and earth." The Lord of the Palace was overjoyed, and while expressing his loyalty, he put away the Dao Body Pill. At the same time, he sent the spiritual blood jade coral in front of him to Kou Chuchen.

At the end, he looked at the other princes and princes triumphantly.

Although they had already guessed the result, everyone still couldn't hide their disappointment. Seeing the proud look on his face, his expression became even more lonely.

"Don't be disappointed, everyone. I still have some spare energy and can refine a few more batches of Dao Body Pills for everyone." Noticing their expressions, Kou Chuchen wiped an imperceptible smile on his lips and continued.

"Then there's Mr. Labor Supervisor." Everyone cheered up and said happily.

Kou Chuchen once again made his hand seals to condense the elixir fire, and put the Dao Lingcao into the elixir furnace one by one. Probably because of the considerable loss of holy energy and spiritual energy just now, his speed was obviously much slower this time.

"The pill is complete!" It took him nearly half an hour to complete the last mudra and slapped his palm on the pill furnace.

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