My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5898 5898 He probably won’t refuse, right?

The town spirit beast! Cao Fangyi and Pang Lingqing now knew what Kou Chuchen was planning, and their hearts moved.

"Ahem, cough, I just woke up a few days ago, but Lord Superintendent, that is actually not our town spirit beast yet." After calming down, Cao Fangyi said sarcastically.

"What kind of town spirit beast? Where can we get such a town spirit beast from Zhengyang Daofu?" He Xinda and Zhu Lu looked confused.

"I haven't told you about this yet. Hundreds of years ago, Kou Mansion Supervisor and Pang Mansion Zheng and I discovered a chaotic divine beast by chance. At that time, it was being promoted to Taoist Saint, but it encountered a Taoist calamity and was seriously injured by heavenly thunder and earthly fire. under.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the three of us worked together to seal the chaos, hoping to refine its soul and make a contract to become the Zhengyang Daofu's spiritual beast. "Cao Fangyi explained.

"By the way, I remembered it. Hundreds of years ago, the prisoner of the Kou Mansion was seriously injured and it took him a full hundred years to recover. Could it be that he was trying to seal the chaotic beast?" Speaking of this, Zhu Lu thought of an old incident. He said with sudden realization.

"Yes, it was for this reason that I was seriously injured in the first place." Kou Chuchen had a look of loneliness on his face.

It was precisely because of the injury to his soul that time that he almost completely ended the hope of the God of Refining and Combining the Way of the Void to return to his original state, so he had to turn to the path of alchemy to avoid wasting his life.

Cao Fangyi and Pang Lingqing were also seriously injured. Although they did not ruin their hopes of being promoted to Taoist Saints like him, their cultivation speed has obviously slowed down a lot in recent years. Otherwise, their Zhengyang Taoist House would have been able to reach a higher level of strength. .

"Did the contract succeed?" He Xinda was much younger than the others. He was not born when Cao Fangyi and others were seriously injured, so he had no feelings at all and just asked curiously.

"It's still a little short, but it's close to ten. It only takes a hundred years at most to completely refine the soul and become the spiritual beast of my Zhengyang Daofu." Cao Fangyi nodded and said happily.

Although the three of them were seriously injured at the beginning, one of them almost completely cut off the opportunity to be promoted to a Taoist Saint, and the cultivation of the other two could hardly be improved, but they could be exchanged for a ninth-level Saint Transformation Peak, even a half-Taoist Saint. Zhengyang Daofu still only makes a profit but not a loss.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that our Zhengyang Taoist Mansion could also have its own spiritual beast!" He Xinda was even more excited when he heard this.

Unlike the monsters in the lower world, the ferocious beasts in the supreme heaven can take the form of humans and can even practice human skills. They already have a stronger physique than humans, and with the addition of practicing human skills, their strength is of course even more impressive.

Therefore, it is even more difficult to tame it. Even the Qingyuan Taoist Palace at its peak did not have a town spirit beast.

But it is precisely for this reason that once you have a decent Zhenfu spirit beast, the strength of the Taoist government will also increase exponentially. When the soul of the chaotic beast is completely refined by Lord Fu, and truly becomes the Zhengyang Dao Mansion's spiritual beast, even Lord Tianweixing will respect them.

Even if He Xinda is just a deacon, he can stand upright in front of the other princes without falling behind in the slightest.

"If we ask him to help get rid of Gu Fenghua now, he won't refuse, right?" Kou Chuchen asked next.

"That's not the case, but after all, we have not been able to completely refine its soul. If something unexpected happens, wouldn't all our efforts be wasted? If we can wait for a hundred years until it truly becomes our town spirit beast, then we will be safe." Cao Fangyi said worriedly.

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