My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5908 5908 Bet, I’ll bet with you

A lesson learned, and he had enough Dao spirit stones with him today.

Seeing Kou Chuchen take out the storage ring angrily, Su Guang suddenly woke up.

Because he loves gambling, Lin Yuantang and Chen Siyuan have told him countless times. A few days ago, because they were standing up for Fenghua, and the person they were betting against was an old enemy of Zhengyang Daofu, they didn't say too much. Much, but still looks a little dissatisfied.

Today I couldn't help but made the same old habit again. I don't know how I will be scolded by them afterwards.

Otherwise, you should endure your anger for a while and stop gambling, right?

"It's rare for a Kou Mansion supervisor to be so elegant. How about I add a little bit of luck and bet 100,000 Taoist Spirit Stones." Just when Su Guang was hesitating, Lin Yuantang suddenly took out a storage ring and smiled. said.

What, what was Mr. Fujun saying just now? Su Guang was startled, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.

"Since Lord Fu is so elegant, why don't I add some luck and bet another hundred thousand." There was obviously nothing wrong with his ears. After Lin Yuantang finished speaking, Chen Siyuan also smiled calmly.

"I'll come too, I'll come too, bet 100,000." Zhuang Mengdie rolled up his sleeves excitedly, but this time it wasn't a fight, but a storage ring.

Su Guang opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Yuantang and Chen Siyuan who were smiling as if they were looking at monsters, and then looked confusedly at Zhuang Mengdie who was as excited as if he had taken Shiquan Dabu Pill.

"Didn't you say that gambling is bad and you advised me to quit gambling?" Su Guang asked blankly after being stunned for a long time.

"Gambling is not good, but gambling doesn't matter. Gambling is just a game." Lin Yuantang coughed twice and answered seriously.

"Isn't that what you said before? Didn't you say that cultivators should be pure and abstain from desires, even gambling?" Su Guang's expression became even duller.

"It is necessary for a cultivator to be pure in heart and have few desires, but when it is time to relax, you should also relax." Lin Yuantang said more confidently.

"I'm talking to Su Guang, do you want to play or not? If you want to play, take out the Dao Lingshi and stop grinding." Chen Siyuan urged impatiently.

"Hurry up, what if they suddenly change their mind? This is just picking up money. You know, picking up money is not the same thing as gambling." Zhuang Mengdie was even more anxious to gather his energy and sound transmission, and at the same time, he tried his best to talk to Su Guang. Blinking.

Master Fu Zheng finally revealed the secret, and Su Guang finally realized it.

It's all nonsense that gambling is bad, and that cultivators should be abstinent. To put it bluntly, it's just that they are afraid of losing. If they know they will win, they will place bets more readily than anyone else.

But then again, since you know you will win, can it still be called gambling? Mr. Zhuang was right, this was really money picking.

For the first time in his life, Su Guang discovered that Mr. Fu Zheng was not just someone who rolled up his sleeves and moved his fists. Sometimes, he was actually smarter than Mr. Fu Jun.

"Bet, I'll bet with you." Su Guang, who was enlightened, quickly took out the storage ring.

Seeing this, Kou Chuchen frowned again. Although he had specially brought some more Dao Spirit Stones with him since the last time he was brutally slapped in the face, it was not enough to take out 400,000 Dao Spirit Stones to bet against the entire Qingyuan Taoist House at once.

"In that case, let's play with him." Seeing his embarrassment, Cao Fangyi, Pang Lingqing, and Zhu Lu each took out a storage ring.

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