My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5934 5934 Just want to strangle it to death

"..." Gu Fenghua decided that he must strangle it to death.

However, even if he makes up his mind to strangle the sword spirit to death, that will happen in the future. Now, the only thing she can do is to guard the Qingming Festival on the mourning platform. Otherwise, her mind would be completely immersed in the boundless pain, and she would probably never wake up.

His hands were still waving involuntarily, slapping the wall of the pool hard. The water in the pool where spiritual energy was condensed was undulating, and from time to time a column of water rose into the sky, making the entire Taoist pool seem to be boiling.

"This, this..." Everyone in the void formation looked dull.

"Fenghua is not dead, Fenghua is not dead!" After a while, Su Guangcai exclaimed in surprise while wiping his tears.

"Fortunately, Ji Ren has his own destiny, and Gu Fujian is not dead." Han Daocheng and others came to their senses and said happily.

Just now, everyone was frightened when they saw Gu Fenghua jumping into the Tao Pond without saying a word, thinking that she was ignorant and fearless, and would definitely die if she did such a stupid thing.

Then, the graceful and graceful figure disappeared into the Dao Pond, and there was no movement again, which seemed to confirm their guess.

Lin Yuantang, Su Guang and others were in uncontrollable grief and burst into tears. If it weren't for the fact that he had to maintain a certain level of integrity and worship in the palace in front of the strong men of each palace, he would have been beating his chest and crying on the spot.

Although Han Daocheng and others had met Gu Fenghua not long ago, they were impressed by her superb alchemy skills and her calm and straightforward temperament. They also lamented her "untimely death" and secretly wiped it out. A few old tears.

Who knew that Gu Fenghua was not dead? How could a dead person make such a big fuss?

However, if he is not dead, he is not dead. It is hard to say whether there is anything wrong with him.

After a brief moment of surprise, everyone looked worried again as they looked at the turbulent Dao Pond with water columns rising into the sky.

"What's going on Fenghua?" Lin Yuantang said worriedly for a while.

"Did we encounter some trouble?" Han Daocheng frowned and said thoughtfully.

"I have never heard of any dangers in Qingyuan Daochi. What kind of trouble could she encounter?" Someone recalled the records in "Dao History" and asked doubtfully.

"But if there was no trouble, why would there be such a big fuss?" Someone else immediately retorted.

After hearing his words, everyone fell silent, and their faces became more worried.

There was deathly silence in the void, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing and dull.

"Su Guang, what can you say?" After a while, Zhuang Mengdie said to Su Guang.

"What did you say?" Su Guang looked at him blankly.

"Tell me what happened to Fenghua? Zhuang Mengdie said.

"How do I know what happened to Fenghua?" Su Guang asked inexplicably.

"Then guess." Zhuang Mengdie said.

"Guess?" Su Guang subconsciously stretched his neck.

"Yes, it's just a guess. Just guess how you usually guess." Zhuang Mengdie said.

"Oh, something is wrong with this situation. I'm afraid Fenghua has really encountered something..." Su Guang looked at the churning water and said solemnly. Worried about Gu Fenghua's life and death, he no longer even had the interest to joke.

"Stop, stop, do you usually guess like this? Su Guang, you were not such a worried person before. Why have you become like this now?" Zhuang Mengdie interrupted before he could finish his words and looked at He said sadly.

"Well, how do I usually guess?" Su Guang asked doubtfully.

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