My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5938 5938 It’s like stepping on shit

"Several senior brothers are not in the Tao Mansion. I'm afraid the disciples will be uneasy as time goes on, so it's better to go back early." Gu Fenghua said.

Of course, she also saw Su Guang's pettiness. Anyway, she didn't like Cao Fangyi and others at all. If she had the opportunity to stab them a few times, she would not object.

But just after checking, she discovered that as soon as she left Xuankong Mountain, the Tianxu Dao Divine Fruit carefully stored in the storage bracelet began to lose its spiritual power. If you want to refine the Tianxu Dao Pill, you must do it as soon as possible, there is no way she is willing to delay.

"Okay, let's go back then." After hearing what Feng Hua said, Su Guang couldn't hold on and said with regret.

Everyone left Zhengyang Taoist Mansion and returned to the teleportation formation located in an abandoned star field. They thanked Gu Fenghua one by one and then went back to their own homes.

Before leaving, everyone looked at Su Guang, looking left and right, reluctant to say anything.

"What's wrong, why are you looking at me like this?" Su Guang asked inexplicably.

"Su Gongfeng, I am still short of a guest. I wonder if you are interested?" A prince said with expectation.

"Yes, our mansion is also short of a guest. If Su Gongfeng is willing to come, everyone in our mansion will definitely welcome him." Another prince also said eagerly.

"And us, we are also missing a guest." Three old men jumped out at the same time, grabbing Su Guang's arm and saying.

"There are us, we are also short of guests." Then, six more old men rushed out at the same time, three of them grabbed Su Guang's other arm, and the other three grabbed Su Guang's robe.

Hey, when did the old gambler become so popular? Gu Fenghua looked surprised.

"Let go, please let me go. If you don't let go, I will start to curse people." Hearing the words of the first Mingfu Lord, Su Guang was surprised and happy. Hearing the words of the second Fujun, Su Guang was full of pride and reserved. When the group of old guys grabbed his arms and pulled his robe, Su Guang finally realized something. He couldn't be happy anymore, his face turned red and he shouted angrily.

As soon as they heard that Su Da was going to curse someone, everyone quickly let go.

"Let's go!" Su Guang had a dark look on his face, and without looking at them again, he dragged Gu Fenghua onto the teleportation array.

Light and shadow flowed around, a strange light phantom appeared, and people from various mansions disappeared without a trace.

"What happened just now? Why is Senior Brother Su so angry?" Gu Fenghua asked doubtfully.

"They think Su Gongfeng is a lucky baby." Lin Yuantang said funny.

"What Fuwa?" Gu Fenghua asked strangely.

"Ever since you came to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, Su Guang has been blessed with as much luck as stepping on dog shit. Not only will he win every bet, he will win whatever he says, even if he is bragging.

Think about it, if you invite him back and ask him to say a few nice words from time to time, what will be the result? Just now, you jumped into the Dao Pond, and we were almost worried to death. Su Guang boasted that not only were you safe, but you also made great progress in cultivation, and you actually reached the first level of the Holy Saint..." Zhuang Mengdie explained, By the way, he happily told what happened just now.

Hearing him talk about Su Guang's embarrassing story, Lin Yuantang and others also had smiles on their faces, looking at Su Guang with amusement in their eyes.

Several black lines stood up on Gu Fenghua's forehead: Don't tell me, since meeting him, Su Guang has really changed his destiny and will win every bet, winning whatever he says. It’s understandable that various major government offices want to invite him back as a lucky doll or offer him as a mascot.

However, since I came to Qingyuan Daofu, Su Guang has been like stepping on dog shit... How do you say this?

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