My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5942 5942 She will definitely die

"Oh, how come such a genius was chosen by Qingyuan Taoist House? It would be great if he could be used by Zhengyang Taoist House." Zhu Lu didn't even notice their expressions of aggrievedness and constipation. He was still in high spirits and continued to poke the knife.

"That's enough, don't say any more." Cao Fangyi glared at Zhu Lu and interrupted him.

Is not this nonsensical? If Gu Fenghua could be used by Zhengyang Daofu, why would there be such troubles today?

Mr. Cao Dafu felt that his heart had been pricked with holes and dripping with blood by this brainless Zhu Lu.

Seeing the faces of Cao Fangyi and others as dark as the bottom of a pot, Zhu Lu realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly put away the envious look on his face and hid aside.

"Gu Fenghua, we must kill Gu Fenghua, we must kill Gu Fenghua!" Cao Fangyi clenched his fist tightly and said nervously.

"Master Fu, you can't do it. You absolutely must not do it. Gu Fenghua is in the limelight now. Because of her, all the Taoist mansions have begun to have the tendency of only Qingyuan Taoist mansion following their lead. If we take action at this time, I, the Zhengyang Taoist mansion, will definitely become the target of public criticism. , tens of thousands of years of foundation will be destroyed in one day." Pang Lingqing was shocked and quickly advised him.

"Do we have a better choice? Tengyuan is dead, Xinda is dead, and Huntian is gone. If Gu Fenghua is not eliminated, will Zhengyang Daofu still have a way to survive?" Cao Fangyi's eyes turned red. He asked angrily, even the tears in his eyes were covered with blood.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Fu, is right. If Gu Fenghua is allowed to continue to be so carefree, our Zhengyang Daofu will be dead sooner or later. It's better to get rid of him as soon as possible. Maybe we still have a glimmer of hope." A fierce look flashed in Kou Chuchen's eyes. He regained some energy.

"But even so, we can't act rashly. It's better to think about it in the long term." Pang Lingqing persuaded bitterly.

"Think about it in the long term, think about it in the long term..." Although Cao Fangyi hated Gu Fenghua to death, he also knew that Pang Lingqing was right. He was in a dilemma for a while, like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth in the room, sometimes gnashing his teeth, sometimes worrying. , sometimes sighing.

Suddenly, an ancient token on his body suddenly flashed with brilliance. Cao Fangyi stopped and looked at the token. His expression was startled. He seemed surprised, seemed happy, and a little tangled in it. Extremely weird.

"Master Fujun, what happened?" Pang Lingqing asked.

"Tianweixing Lord has just issued an order, and the expedition to defeat the demons is about to begin." Cao Fangyi calmed down and said.

"The crusade to defeat the demons!" Pang Lingqing and others were startled when they heard this. Then he thought of something, and his expression became as weird as Cao Fangyi's. He was surprised, happy, and a little entangled.

"Could it be that Mr. Fu Jun wants Gu Fenghua to participate in this demon-slaying expedition?" Kou Chuchen asked.

"The expedition to defeat demons is a great opportunity. Gu Fenghua is already very qualified and has superb alchemy skills. If she is allowed to make further progress, our Zhengyang Taoist House will really have no chance at all. ." Pang Lingqing said worriedly.

"The Demon-Conquering Campaign is indeed a great opportunity, but it also carries great dangers. Don't forget that every time the Taoist disciples who participate in the Demon-Conquering Campaign are less than one in ten, they come back alive.

If Gu Fenghua had the kind of temperament that requires compromise, he might still have some hope of survival, but if you look at him as a person, is he the kind of person who can compromise and seek compromise? "Cao Fangyi said with a sneer.

"That's true." Pang Lingqing pondered for a moment and relaxed his frown.

"Then it's settled." Seeing that Pang Lingqing no longer objected, Cao Fangyi made the decision.

Picking up the token, he poured his spiritual thoughts into it, and then made Taoist mudra.

The brilliant light on the token flashed by again, and everyone was relieved.

"Okay, Gu Fenghua will definitely die this time.

While she was alive, Han Daocheng and others would still remember some favors from Qingyuan Daofu, but if she died, the favors would fade over time. Qingyuan Taoist Mansion is not afraid of Lin Yuantang and the others alone. "Cao Fangyi put away the token and said to everyone.

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