My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5947 5947 Hurry up and say something nice

Not long after, the restrictions on several training caves on the cliff were opened, and Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie, Chen Siyuan, and Su Guang rose into the sky, like dragons soaring through the nine heavens.

After a long time, several figures floated down, with tears streaming down their faces.

Not long after Gu Fenghua returned to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, the mystery was finally solved as a furnace of Tao Pills flew out.

Tianxu Dao Transformation Pill, what Gu Fenghua refined this time was actually the legendary Tianxu Dao Transformation Pill!

Although Gu Fenghua had revealed a lot before, and they had guessed that the Dao Pill she was talking about was probably related to being promoted to a Saint, the moment they saw Tianxu's Dao Pill with their own eyes, they were still trembling with excitement. I almost fainted from happiness on the spot.

Without a moment's delay, several people immediately retreated to practice. In less than half a month, they were promoted to sainthood as they wished.

For this day, Zhuang Mengdie flew around the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion countless times while sleepwalking. For this day, Chen Siyuan slept soundly day and night and had long forgotten the spring, summer, autumn and winter. Although Lin Yuantang and Su Guang were not as evil as them, they secretly lamented and lamented.

Originally, they thought that without a good chance, they would not be able to be promoted to Sainthood in this life. Who would have thought that, just two months after Gu Fenghua came to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, they would both be promoted to Sainthood at the same time.

Thinking back to the hardships of hundreds of thousands of years in the past, and then thinking about all the events in the past two months, they felt as if they were separated from the world.

Looking at the bright rainbow between each other's eyebrows, they laughed loudly, but tears kept pouring out of their eyes.

"By the way, where's Fenghua? Why hasn't he come out yet?" After a while, Lin Yuantang finally regained his composure and looked towards the cave where Gu Fenghua was retreating.

"With her qualifications, she should have been promoted earlier than us. Why hasn't she been released yet?" Chen Siyuan also said strangely.

"Let's wait a little longer. Although Fenghua's qualifications are good, after all, it only takes two months to be promoted to the Holy Talent. It is inevitable that the foundation will be unstable. It is normal to be slower." Lin Yuantang thought for a while and said.

"That's true." Lin Yuantang nodded and said with some worry, "Promoting to become a saint is different from being promoted to a saint. Her foundation is not stable. Is there any accident?"

"This..." After hearing what he said, Lin Yuantang couldn't help but become worried.

"Su Guang, tell me, what's going on?" Zhuang Mengdie looked at Su Guang nervously, his eyes full of expectation.

"What did you say?" Su Guang was equally uneasy and asked angrily after hearing this.

"Nonsense, of course you have to say it nicely, otherwise what else can you say. Hurry up, hurry up, don't keep us waiting." Zhuang Mengdie glared and urged impatiently.

"Yes, yes, come on, come on, come on, don't you see how anxious we are?" Lin Yuantang and Chen Siyuan also urged.

Su Guang opened his mouth and a few black lines stood up on his forehead: Okay, you really think of me as a mascot.

In front of me, the fat baby who was born white and chubby, wearing a small bellyband and sky-high braids and holding a big carp, jumped out again, smiling very happily and auspiciously.

"Relax, everyone, Fenghua is the son of destiny, how can something happen so easily?

In my opinion, not only is Feng Hua okay this time, but he will definitely be promoted to the Saint Transformation. Even if he becomes a strong person in the fourth or fifth stage of the Transformation Saint, it will not be surprising. Even..." Although it felt a bit awkward, Su Guang said He still followed the wishes of Zhuang Mengdie and others.

As he talked, it was inevitable that he would start blowing every second of the day.

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