"Well, there is indeed a grudge, a big grudge." Su Guang was looking around, seeming to be thinking about something, and answered absentmindedly.

"What big feud?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, right? Our Qingyuan Taoist House and their Tianxin Taoist House are both the oldest Taoist houses in the Supreme Heaven. When they were in their heyday, it was difficult to distinguish them. Naturally, no one liked them.

Tens of thousands of years ago, in order to compete for a treasure of heaven and earth, our two palaces fought hard. Tianxin Daofu, Junfu, and other powerful people were all seriously injured by my Qingyuan Daofu. It took tens of thousands of years to barely recover, and they began to form a feud.

However, things have changed, and our Qingyuan Taoist House is not much better. We were defeated by the Zhengyang Taoist House tens of thousands of years ago, and our vitality was also severely damaged. Under the circumstances of the decline and the increase, even Tianxin Taoist Palace is inferior.

Thousands of years ago, the two sides had another dispute because of a quarrel between their disciples. New and old hatreds were added to the fight, but it was our Qingyuan Taoist House that suffered a big loss.

Fortunately, when the strength of Tianxin Taoist House failed to return to its peak, it could not do anything to Qingyuan Taoist House in the end. However, this hatred is getting deeper and deeper.

Seeing that there was no way to retaliate like this, the princes of both sides made a thousand-year war pact. Every thousand years, each side sends four strong men to decide the winner, and the loser pays an annual tribute to the winner every year. "Su Guang then said carefully.

"Oh, no wonder they are so aggressive. They must be unconvinced after losing the last thousand-year battle, right?" Gu Fenghua finally understood what was going on.

"Uh..." Su Guang's old face blushed slightly.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Gu Fenghua asked doubtfully.

"Actually... in fact, we have basically never won. They just don't like us and want to humiliate us when they get the chance." Su Guang said coquettishly.

"Never won once?" Gu Fenghua asked in surprise.

I knew that Qingyuan Taoist House had not had an easy life these past few years, but I never expected that they would live such a difficult life. It's just that he was pressed hard by the Zhengyang Taoist priest step by step, and he was also stepped on by a Tianxin Taoist priest and couldn't stand up.

"Actually, it's not that miserable. There were a few times when we actually wanted to make peace, but they didn't agree." Seeing the sympathy in her eyes, Su Guang felt even worse and defended.

Gu Fenghua rolled his eyes: Since others have the ability to trample you under their feet, why do you think you are so shameless?

"No more, no more, I have business to do. If you want to ask, just ask them." Su Guang felt embarrassed himself. As he said this, he got rid of Gu Fenghua and walked towards the crowd on the opposite side.

"What's the matter?" Gu Fenghua reached out and grabbed Su Guang and asked curiously.

"Hey, I'll go ask them if they're interested in playing a few games. It's boring to just play like this without any luck." Su Guang chuckled.

"You still bet? Didn't Senior Brother Lin tell you many times not to let you gamble?" Gu Fenghua looked surprised.

As he spoke, he glanced at Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan strangely: I remember when we talked about Su Guang's habit of gambling, the two Fuzheng adults were also very sad and disgusted. Why are they silent today?

"Tch, you believe their lies! I forgot to tell you that the last time you went to Qingyuan Dao Pond to practice, they made a bet with Cao Fangyi and others on which Dao Pond you could reach. Each of them won one hundred thousand. Dao Ling Stone." Su Guang said with contempt.

"What!" Gu Fenghua looked at Zhuang Mengdie in disbelief, then at Chen Siyuan, and then at Lin Yuantang who was preparing to fight Chu Yuange not far away, his eyes filled with shock and disappointment.

Seeing the disappointment in her eyes, Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan were almost ashamed.

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